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Davidson Mains Park - consultation closes 7th April

(28 posts)
  • Started 7 years ago by HankChief
  • Latest reply from HankChief

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  1. HankChief

    "These designs will improve the width, surfacing and lighting of the path in Davidson's Mains Park which connects Queensferry Road to East Barnton Avenue. It will also widen the waiting area at the signalised crossing of Queensferry Road."

    Does this really need a consultation? It's great that CEC are going to improve it, but it does seem like a no brainer.

    It's a key bit of infrastructure to link the North West end of the NEPN to quiet streets of Drumbrae and on to the employment areas of the Gyle, Gogarburn etc. via the Toucan crossing of the A90 at the bottom of Clermiston.

    Had a number of North Edinburgher today ask me for routes and I had to warn them of this unlit wooded track not being ideal for commuting.

    Have fed in, but really think they should just get it done...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  2. neddie

    A "no brainer" through the park as you say Hankchief.

    My question is what are Southbound cyclists supposed to do when they reach Clermiston Rd?

    The toucan only gets you across the A90. The 2-stage pedestrian crossing to get on the Southbound carriageway of Clermiston Rd does not allow cycles.

    And even if it did, cyclists would have to make a 3-stage crossing, which no doubt would take several minutes.

    I get the need for priority for motors on the A90. But the remainder of the crossing (of Clermiston Rd) should be free from delays for cyclists/peds.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  3. cb

    "My question is what are Southbound cyclists supposed to do when they reach Clermiston Rd?"

    The pavement on the south side of Queensferry Road is shared use as far as Clermiston Drive.

    (Try not to worry about the narrowness of the pavement, the bus stop, or the potential hoards of school children).

    Posted 7 years ago #
  4. HankChief

    Closes tomorrow (Friday 7th)

    Get your views in...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  5. HankChief

    Not a surprise that consultation came back hugely supportive (58 to 1).

    Posted 7 years ago #
  6. Frenchy

    If anyone is curious, the person opposed explained "You will need to save money for the removal of the 20mph signage when you discover that it is a pointless, dangerous and damaging descision"

    Posted 7 years ago #
  7. chdot

    That's good, but -


    shown below, a total of 3 local residents provided feedback during the public consultation


    Mass apathy?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  8. HankChief

    Define Local...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  9. NiallA

    The public consultation session felt busier than that when I was there, but I guess some people were there as organisational stakeholders. Oh well, glad I made the effort to go!

    Anyway, time and money will be the only barriers to implementation now (hopefully)?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  10. Harts Cyclery

    To be fair, all the proposals are a total no-brainer, for all users.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  11. HankChief

    Update through by email

    "We are currently aiming for construction of the proposals to commence in Autumn 2018."


    "The original design included for improvements to the waiting area for the crossing/junction at Queensferry Road.

    This area has been removed from the scope of the project. It will now be considered under a separate future project which will consider more significant improvements to the crossings and wider junction area."

    Ho hum...

    Posted 6 years ago #
  12. neddie

    The final design drawings can be found here:

    (Don't ask me why it says Grange Rd in the link - copy & paste error, possibly ?)

    Posted 6 years ago #
  13. HankChief

    Went for a stroppy tweet on this.

    It is fascinating the amount of effort required to tarmac a path in a park and how easily they drop the safety benefits of widening a well used waiting area beside a busy 40mph road and between a school and major housing area.

    Not getting any pick up from local councillors which is a disappointment in itself...

    Posted 6 years ago #
  14. chdot

    “Went for a stroppy tweet on this.”

    Posted 6 years ago #
  15. HankChief

    Hooray, the resurfacing of the path through the park will start next week.

    Apparently it is going to take 3 months, although I suspect they will do the bill of it over Easter.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  16. acsimpson

    Great news. It's a shame the west Edinburgh Link wont be joining onto it (yet).

    Posted 5 years ago #
  17. HankChief

    Work is progressing with no signed diversion and riders left to make up their own alternatives. Many choosing to go through the High School. This is causing issues apparently...

    Posted 5 years ago #
  18. wishicouldgofaster

    I've been going through the school as there isn't any alternative. I suspect some folk have been going a bit too fast hence the cyclists slow signs that have now appeared.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  19. resurf

    Asking for a friend...

    Do people think that going round the school is ok? I initially though fine in the school holidays but probably not ok during term time but the fact that the "too fast" signs have appeared suggests the RHS are grudgingly permissive.

    The detour via Mary Erskine's is long and a pretty horrible narrow road with traffic queuing everywhere.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  20. wishicouldgofaster

    People just have to be sensible. It’s normally choc a bloc with kids when I go through it in the morning. It’s hardly a hassle to go slowly to keep everyone safe. Surely no one is seriously suggesting cyclists should go on queensferry road instead.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  21. EdinburghCycleCam

    Having cycled both directions on that section of Queensferry Road, I can confidently say that I feel safer cycling up Maybury Road...

    I went to The Royal High, and I can't think of any alternative routes that don't involve either going over Corstorphine hill or making a several-mile detour. Through the school seems like the only reasonable diversion route.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  22. HankChief

    Anyone tried out the new tarmac yet?

    Posted 5 years ago #
  23. miak

    queensferry road is truly horrible particularly from craigcrook to clermiston road

    Posted 5 years ago #
  24. wishicouldgofaster

    It is open but not fully but you can go round the bit that is shut.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  25. HankChief

    Hearing that we will at long last have a consultation on the layout of the crossing of the A90 as you exit the park.

    Expect something out next week...

    Posted 4 years ago #
  26. wishicouldgofaster

    I thought that was included in the previous consultation but was filed under too hard and might inconvenience drivers.

    Posted 4 years ago #
  27. HankChief

    They were throwing around some options on how to get half a school full of kids across the road at home time. Currently the narrow exit onto the pavement prevents everyone waiting to get across during the same light sequence.

    I assume this will be the presentation of the preferred solution.

    Posted 4 years ago #
  28. HankChief

    Looks like construction of an improved Clermiston Rd N/Queensferry Rd junction will be happening in Early 2023..

    QUESTION NO 5 By Councillor Thornley for answer by the Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee at a meeting
    of the Council on 22 September 2022

    Question (1) What progress has been made on plans to upgrade the junction of Queensferry Road with Clermiston Road North?

    Answer (1) A contract has been awarded for this project. However, the start date has been revised to address a conflict with utility works and other road improvement works in the area and elsewhere along the Queensferry Road corridor.

    Question (2) When he expects work will begin on implementing these plans?

    Answer (2) It is now proposed to undertake the work in early 2023, with specific dates being subject to contractor availability, school holiday dates, and road works registration and co-ordination

    Question (3) Given this junction lies on the walking route for many pupils attending the Royal High, what discussions have been had with local residents to inform the plans?

    Answer (3) The consultation for this scheme included discussions with
    the Parent Council at Royal High School. All of the issues raised have been considered as part of the design process,
    including in particular, crossing at this junction.
    During the works a safe walking route will be maintained at all times. Temporary traffic lights including a pedestrian
    crossing phase will be in operation at times when the permanent signals are switched off. Following your question,
    I will ensure Ward Councillors and local residents are notified approximately two weeks before work commences

    Posted 1 year ago #

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