@wishicouldgofaster - The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 prohibits the parking of motor vehicles on a pavement, which means a footpath or footway - which are defined as follows:
Footway: Commonly known as “the pavement”, a footway is a way, which is associated with a carriageway, where right of passage is limited to foot.
Footpath: A way, which is not associated with a carriageway, where right of passage is limited to foot.
Looking at Edinburgh Council's list of public roads, it seems all the "hard standing areas" to the rear of homes in Clerwood are designated as footways. This means the pavement parking prohibition applies to those areas.
The Council do have the power to exempt streets from the prohibition (Section 51 of the 2019 Act). However, Cllr Arthur has been pretty clear that there will be no such exemptions in Edinburgh.
I suppose the best thing to do is lobby your local councillors to support the creation of an exemption.