"many (like me) who don't personally know many/any of the inner CCE circle"
There really isn't one.
There are several (probably many) overlapping selections of people who over the past 7 years have met at CCE inspired 'events' including 'cycle on the frozen canal', 'let's move the Heras fencing/advertising hoarding that appeared on MMW before the Fringe', 'brick and chimney fancying rides', 'study trips', 'random rides' also a whole lot of CCEers introduced to Audaxing.
There are relative small numbers who meet once a month at PY (or not PY) for coffee - not the same people every month.
There are people, mostly because of CCE, who became the core of PoP.
There's a semi-hierarchy of people who post a lot - and may have long memories of past posts and a CCE style of dubious ironic humour and understanding of good/bad/desirable - but no dogmatic certainties or party line.
There is no clique that people are excluded from or a certainty that some people know all the others in 'the group'.
It is always easier to address remarks to people you've met and (may) have a better understanding of what they might think than just from reading posts.
This thread has developed a plan possibly (I really don't know) without any off-forum contact.
A strength of CCE is that an idea can be floated and gain traction among people who may or may not have met. Then something happens with a handful of people or many many more.
I think the 'tombstone at Holyrood' was mostly organised here and this looks like another important event that has been created here.
I assume there will be some PMing going on dealing with some aspects.
Any loose 'organisation' that has been going for 7 years cannot be perfect but (I think) it's remarkably flexible and resilient, but can never suit 'everyone'.