(maps are sort of GPSs right? I wasn't sure where this post should go)
Spotted on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/ZeroWasteShop/permalink/858073524348829/?sale_post_id=858073524348829
For those not on FB it is from the Dunbar Zero Waste Shop:
Our largest private client is Edinburgh University and we recently diverted 2.5tonnes of the geography department's maps from landfill. They're from all over the world and some date back to 1850.
In the Musselburgh shop we show a couple of hundred maps a day. Today's offering has a lot of Borders and English maps, mostly 1920s-50s
Given the political situation I particularly love this European Elections poster from 79.
We will be showing 10,000 maps (and map chests) at the new Dunbar Shop (next to the factory shop) on Sunday 23rd July from midday. They will all be sold at £2 per map. Some are likely to be worth quite a lot of money. All are fascinating social documents.
I would have thought this was worth an expedition. Jealous I can't go and nab some myself