CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Computers, GPS, 'Smart' 'Phones


(4 posts)
  • Started 7 years ago by dessert rat
  • Latest reply from dessert rat

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  1. dessert rat

    Anyone got a GoPro 4 and managed to work out how to get it to loop so it overwrites the memory and is able to use the whole SD card ?

    I have it set up in that config, but unless I go in each day and delete any old files, it only loops/overwrite the current capture plus any free space. Old files are protected/off limits.

    So as I understand, this means that if I have a 32gb card, with an old ie 12gb file from yesterday and say 20gb free, then I can only record on 20gb. Say I use another 15gb today and don't delete anything, then tomorrow I'll have only 5gb, and so on.

    I’ve googled around and it seems to be a fairly common complaint with no fix.

    I really hate my GoPro, by far the most un-user friendly gadget I have ever had.


    Posted 7 years ago #
  2. acsimpson

    I have an old GoPro 3 and haven't been too impressed by it as an everyday camera. It gives some great footage but is aimed more at film makers than bikecam market.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  3. dougal

    @Iain McR - does it have a reset or reformat button on the device? The Contour Roam had this which was reasonably effective at bypassing the need to attach it to a computer to delete useless video. The configuration seemed to persist through the formatting.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  4. dessert rat

    @dougal - yes it does have that option, buried in the very un-user friendly menus. This is what I need to do every morning when I get to the office and again when I get home etc... tedious.

    More googling tells me that the 'full loop' function is possible, but only via the mobile app and can't be set to default, so needs to enabled / re-set up each time camera is powered on.

    not going to happen - I spend more time messing with the camera than I do on everything else put together. Ebay beckons i think.

    Posted 7 years ago #

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