CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » General Edinburgh


(327 posts)


  1. Arellcat

    A plan for Edinburgh must needs be a hazardous undertaking: there can be few cities towards which the inhabitants display a fiercer loyalty or deeper affection. Even its blemishes are venerated.

    The planner who dares to propose improvements must go warily.

    -- Abercrombie and Plumstead, 1949

    I suppose SJW's idea is for unchecked and unfettered driving. More roads! More freedom!

    Posted 4 months ago #
  2. Morningsider

    This is how the penalty charge system works:

    The initial penalty charge for all non-compliant vehicles is set at £60, reduced by 50% if it is paid within 14 days.

    The penalty amount doubles with each subsequent breach of the rules detected in the same LEZ. The penalty charges are capped at £480 for cars and light goods vehicles and £960 for minibuses, buses, coaches and HGVs.

    Where there are no further breaches of the rules detected within the 90 days following a previous violation, the rate is reset to the base tier of charge i.e. £60.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  3. Dave

    It's striking that the penalty scheme for the LEZ, almost uniquely amongst penalty schemes, actually seems designed to stop people flouting the zone.

    Imagine if parking tickets or speeding tickets doubled every time you got one!

    Posted 4 months ago #
  4. acsimpson

    Notably Webber can't even scare monger with the correct facts. It's not like she's made them up to be worse than they are she has just got them wrong.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  5. gembo

    How can you tell when Sue is Lying?

    It is when her lips are moving.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  6. neddie

    Mostly a load of negativity and tiny violins, but Critical Mass get a mention

    Also taxis harping on about “we need a transition period”… Aye, whit dae ye think thon last twa years were fir?

    Posted 3 months ago #
  7. gembo

    No garage owner no longer able to. Do up old bangers unless he moves his lock up 200 yards?

    Posted 3 months ago #
  8. neddie

    Has anyone actually seen any ANPR enforcement cameras anywhere?

    I haven't seen any, certainly not at Tollcross, Buccleuch St or Clerk St

    Posted 3 months ago #
  9. Arellcat

    Matt Kerr, president of the Edinburgh University Windsurf & Surf Club, said the LEZ would affect their ability to take students surfing.

    I wasn't aware that surf boards were essential equipment while being a student. May I suggest an activity with easier overheads, such as the highly popular Jaffa Cake Appreciation Society?

    “I think [the LEZ] is just slowly making it more and more impossible to have a car in Edinburgh. That's going to make it almost a complete impossibility for us because the only way to get out surfing is by car.”

    Yes, that is one of the main intentions of a LEZ.

    While the vans the club rents from the university for surf trips are exempt from LEZ restrictions, Matt said that many student vehicles – often older, higher emission cars – are not.

    Cars must be getting cheaper, or students are a lot better paid than in my day. Almost no-one in my degree owned a car, and those who did always had to scrimp and save for petrol. Heck, plenty of people in my degree cycled and they had to scrimp and save for brake blocks and chains and cassettes.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  10. MediumDave

    The direction of travel has been depressingly clear for a while.

    Years ago in Durham (of all the tiny places) I was told by a contemporary that a car was "essential" for a student household. He somehow kept a straight face. I didn't. Notable as this particular wealthy milquetoast lived much closer in to town than I did at the time. Plus keeping of term regulations at the time forbid student worms to have cars in town. Considered shopping him to the Beak but confined myself to calling him a bone-idle <rule 2>.

    Suspect Edinburgh these days has even more of the rah-type student with plenty of cash for motors than Durham ever did, despite its reputation.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  11. chdot

    Plenty signs in odd places

    Posted 3 months ago #
  12. acsimpson

    "...the LEZ would affect their ability to take students surfing."

    Is this parody or has the LEZ been expanded to cover the local beaches?

    Posted 3 months ago #
  13. Frenchy

    The surf club has* a lockup within the LEZ boundary. I presume some members will drive there, then give lifts to wherever they're going to actually surf. It seems quite likely that the club will have to change the way it operates due to the LEZ. As Arellcat says, this is the entire point.

    *or they did when I was a student ~15 years ago, anyway.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  14. neddie

    Perfectly possible to take the train to Dunbar, then walk the 1.5 miles to Belhaven bay - the surfers' Mecca

    A long-arm bike trailer with surfboard mount would be far more affordable for the occasional student trip than running a car that sits going nowhere most of the time. Could even take the whole kit and caboodle most of the way on the train.

    But that would require imagination beyond, "must. use. car."

    Posted 3 months ago #
  15. Morningsider

    Any petrol driven car built in the last 17 years will be LEZ compliant, likewise for any diesel built in the last eight years.

    I think we can all rest easy knowing that the surfer dudes of Edinburgh Uni will still be able to drive to wherever they choose to wallow in all the s*** we pump into the sea.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  16. Arellcat

    Maybe they should take up hot air ballooning, since clearly they have plenty of it.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  17. Dave

    "typically students drive older, leaded petrol vehicles so the law against burning lead is a travesty against natural justice"

    Posted 3 months ago #
  18. chdot

    Consultant in Public Health at NHS Lothian, Flora Ogilvie said:

    Reducing air pollution has clear long and short-term health benefits for everyone but is especially important for vulnerable groups. NHS Lothian welcomes the introduction of the Low Emission Zone and wider actions to encourage walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport use. We encourage our staff, patients and visitors to travel sustainably wherever possible, for the benefit of their own health and that of the wider community. We have been working to get our fleet of vehicles ready and make sure our staff are aware of the enforcement date.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  19. ejstubbs

    typically students drive older, leaded petrol vehicles

    I bought my first car in 1987. It was brand new, and I had to contact the manufacturer to check whether it was ok to use the then new-fangled unleaded petrol in it (it was). By the time I got my next car (a company car) in 1990 the question didn't need to be asked: all new vehicles except some rare exotica ran fine on unleaded.

    Bottom line: a car that can't use unleaded petrol is likely to be over thirty years old. I seriously doubt many students will drive cars that old (or, indeed, be able to afford to keep them running). So I think this claim is somewhat dubious.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  20. neddie

    So has anyone spotted a lesser-spotted ANPR camera yet?

    First one to post a picture of an Edinburgh one on here wins a prize at the next PY

    Posted 3 months ago #
  21. CycleAlex

    Static or moving? The static cameras are quite distinctive with how bulky they are - there’s one at the Melville St/Queensferry St junction. I believe there’s also meant to be some sort of mobile ANPR vehicle but I’m yet to see it.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  22. Frenchy

    I believe there’s also meant to be some sort of mobile ANPR vehicle but I’m yet to see it.

    Aye. The proposal was for the 16 busiest main routes into the LEZ to get permanent cameras, and a mobile vehicle would rotate around the other 36 access points.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  23. acsimpson

    I think Dave's comment about leader position was designed to show how ridiculous the surf dudes complaints about the LEZ are. If something is old technology and proven to harm people's health then banning it seems an appropriate measure.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  24. Frenchy

    Not a great image, but I think the tall grey pole on the left here is an LEZ camera:

    Posted 3 months ago #
  25. gembo

    There is a Painted LEZ circle if you turn left from continuation of Cowgate if you are heading towards Dynamic Earth and you want to go into Moray House, your vehicle better comply. The road just leads to Masons, Lodge 1 and Moray House Library and Depts. and Tobias Smollet’s lodgings. You have to turn round in a car to get out. But bikes can go under Toby’s house and across Canongait.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  26. chdot

  27. chdot

    Scottish Conservative shadow transport minister Graham Simpson said: “These are extraordinary figures and show that many drivers either can’t comply with the new LEZ regulations or won’t comply.

    “Glasgow City Council must work with motorists and ensure they can meet the new regulations and avoid paying these high costs.”

    Posted 1 month ago #

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