The bike I used to use for daily commuting has been laid up since last winter*. In fact, it still has its studded tyres on. This bike has front and rear hydraulic disc brakes, fancy dynamo and an 8-speed Alfine hub. I've done 10,000 miles on it, so it doesn't owe me anything, but on the other hand last year I spent a considerable amount of money on a proper Shimano Alfine hub bath and servicing kit, and replaced several components in the hub. It's the only bike in the household with hydraulic brakes, and I have spent good money on a bleed kit. So, on second thoughts, it does owe me something: I've got lots of specialised servicing equipment for it.
Today I attempted to recommission it for the winter. I replaced the rear 6-bolt rotor with a Centrelock rotor, as the existing rotor was worn thin. While tightening this into place, the thread on the Alfine hub disintegrated. You may accuse me of incompetence, but I was not applying excessive force (recommended tightening torque for this component is 40Nm, which is going some, even with a big spanner). Whatever the reason, the rear hub shell is now irreparable.
I have several options:
1) Go to a friendly LBS and ask them to rebuild my wheel using a new hub shell and the internals of the existing hub along with my existing disc rotor. Problem is it doesn't look as if the hub shell is available as a spare.
2) Get a new Alfine 8-speed hub (£150 on rosebikes) and ask a friendly LBS to build it into a new wheel. Total cost ~£200+.
3) Get a friendly LBS to convert the bike to a single speed (with hydraulic brakes and a dynamo!) I'm worried about my knees, though.
4) Scrap it and start again, getting a new Alfine-hubbed hydraulic disc bike. Seems quite extravagant.
5) Other options I've not thought of.
Any wise advice gratefully received. The thing is, I do need a bike to put studded tyres on.
*Did I tell you I had an Elephant Bike (which is sitting there smirking gently at present, and which I don't plan to fit studded tyres to)