Dispatches from Sheffield:
Weather was still here too + schools back = really terrible air quality. My commute here is along a main road - miss my canal+meadows route of Edinburgh!
The university here has been funded to deploy a high-resolution network monitoring the city. Will be going to a meeting next week about it*.
I've also been working on monitoring Kampala's air quality - we've got a network of monitors (some fixed, some on motorbike taxis) that'll hopefully give a detailed map of the city. [spoiler alert: Kampala's air is /really/ polluted]. Here's me talking about the project (it's moved on quite a bit since the video): http://www.michaeltsmith.org.uk/?p=121
(sorry I keep posting non-Edinburgh things - hopefully still relevant?! :)
*I'm interested in how we calibrate and build on the low-cost low-quality measurements from all these distributed sensors (i.e. how we combine them with one or two high quality, calibrated, BAM/etc sensors provided by the council or provided by the US Embassy in Kampala).