2. I think this is just a muddy path at the moment.
3. Eskbank to Dalkeith you could go down Park Road which dead-ends in Kings Park. Personally I say if you're best going down Eskbank Road. Abbey Road is horrid with lots of golfers driving like prats
6. Need to check this out. My sister lives in Gorebridge and a lot has changed since the railway came in and they built Gore Glen Primary. Think its tarmac but with lots of glass and dog poo
7. Gowkley Moss is ok now they've added the bike connections. Only issue I have is I have to cross the traffic to get onto it. This morning wasn't fun as a taxi decided to close pass me. In future there could be a lot of people cycling this was if the high school is built in the Bush Estate. Also large volume of people live in Rosewell/Bonnyrigg/Roslin and work in the Bush Estate.
8. I'd say the bigger demand is for a path from Hillend to Bush Estate. Large volume of commuters using A703 which could have the footpath upgraded to a shared use cycle path. It is possible to connect along a farm track from Bush Estate to Boghall farm near Flotterstone already though few use it.
9. Paths far too narrow for bikes. Heavily used by runners and dog walkers. Limited appetite to extend these to bikes because of issues with dirt bikes from Loanhead.
10. Wholly unaware of this route. They've made the footpath from Milton Bridge to Bush a shared use path which is getting good use. Road from Penicuik has a 'cycle lane' painted on it but its far too narrow and encourages cars and buses to pass too closely.
11. They're quite narrow with lots of drain covers. Horrid drivers in Penicuik makes them very unpleasant in my experience.