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milk delivery in Edinburgh

(15 posts)
  • Started 7 years ago by the canuck
  • Latest reply from WickyWocky

  1. the canuck

    we'll be moving to the warriston area, and the new digs would make milk in glass bottles feasible.

    does anyone get this? i'm having a look at those i can find online, but have only had veg boxes delivered before (in england).
    any recommends? i'm leaning to "pete's" because they do e-cover refills, but don't know if anyone is any better.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  2. WickyWocky

    We used to get deliveries in Craigleith from McQueens Dairies. They did offer the option of glass bottles. I would like to say it was a good experience for us, but it wasn't. We mainly got goat's milk, as I'm intolerant of cow's milk, and the cartons were always leaking. They also continually got my order incorrect and even delivered it to the wrong house! It turned into a huge saga that took up too much of my time on emails and phone calls. It's a shame because I do like the idea of a milk man and I don't like carrying milk home, especially as my shopping trolley only just survived the trip out in the snow today. If you have a more standard order, you might have better luck, or they might have got their act together. It was a couple of years ago now.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  3. gembo

    We moved to Balerno 17 years ago and milk was delivered to us from the local dairy in glass bottles. I loved this as reminded me of my childhood and the carbon footprint of the milk was favourable. Alas the dairy went bust ( you can still feel the trauma in the children of the owner of the farm on the website of their new venture The Free Company - a restuarant at Cockdurno Farm). So milk came from elsewhere and thn in plastic bottles. People we knew got the odd pint in glass bottles from Wiseman but that is East Kilbride based. Deliveries then reduced to Sunday night/Monday morning, tues night / wed morning and Thursday night /Friday morning. But we have persisted with deliveries. Despite cost being at least twice what is in shops. Vegans do not like milk I know but I understand the slow release in oats needs some dairy for it to work. At least the plastic bottles can be recycled. Would still prefer glass and reused. Wiseman used a big plastic top on our friends milk bottle deliveries.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  4. the canuck

    good to know that some places offer glass on request, as all except Pete's had pictures of plastic.
    on the other hand, Pete's seems to only do pint bottles, and we get through 8-12 pints a week.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  5. the canuck

    mostly, i just love having people deliver my groceries to me.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  6. amir

    My favourite childhood summer job was working with a milkman

    Posted 7 years ago #
  7. WickyWocky

    I think it's unlikely you'll get glass bottles in units of more than 1 pint. McQueens delivered twice a week.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  8. chdot

    “Wiseman used a big plastic top”

    Ah yes, that’s true.

    Now we get -


    (Not Ed!)

    Posted 7 years ago #
  9. gembo

    Nice bottles, any cream at top with little blue tit pecking thru the foil to eat? Those were the days.

    My old gaffer liv d in Shandon in 1960sas a twenty something, in the cobbled streets of the colonies. Every morning he was woken by the scrape of his neighbour's shovel getting the milk horse's manure for his roses. Then went electric milk float now if I am out late I might meet my milkman about 1a.m in his van delivering to the neghbourhood. Carbon footprint of glass bottles if being driven all over Edinburgh should be a wee factor here.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  10. acsimpson

    We used McQueens for a while. Initially it was OK then it became poor. Then they put the price up and we left.

    For instance milk was due to be delivered early morning but their idea of this was about 10PM on a summer night. Needless to say if we didn't see them do it at the time then by following morning it would be turning. they were very good at refunding but we would still need to ensure we could get milk from the shop so not very convenient.

    Adding insult to injury they then offered us a reasonable discount when we told them we were stopping.

    The last time I saw a McQueens truck:

    Posted 7 years ago #
  11. paddyirish

    @acsimpson- I remember that truck

    We get McQueens- will need to look to see if they can deliver glass to us.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  12. Sheeptoucher

    Do bluetits still get into the milk to eat the cream? I guess it's all homogenised these days but possibly... You could do a study!

    I remember watching a study on Tomorrow's World about it when I was wee about how the knowledge spread through the local populations. Sadly it explained why it stopped during harsh winters, as the local birds all got frozen to death, and townies had to recolonise...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  13. gembo

    @sheeptpucher, maybe ChDot can get full fat Gold Top delivered where the cream/fat still rises to feed the poor wee birdies

    Posted 7 years ago #
  14. the canuck

    i think Pete's does non-homo milk.

    i'm currently distracted by nut/dwarf fruit trees, as we should move during planting time...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  15. WickyWocky

    Wiseman Dairies were working our street in Craigleith the other day saying they were starting deliveries in glass bottles three times a week. If they are coming here they may be going to Warriston too. Unfortunately I don't have contact details as they don't supply goats milk.

    Posted 7 years ago #

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