“Letters to need to be written to councillors and MSPs to ask them to withdraw the plans and consultation completely, until they come up with something better.”
If everyone on here and all Spokes members and a few others wrote letters it would probably have as much impact as Sustrans -
I.e. notalot.
I’m NOT saying don’t bother.
I think we need to get a clearer understanding of ‘why we are here’.
“It’s the tram stupid”
Well yes.
Many years ago a complex process shuffled through the SP and resulted in a very tight set of legal constraints for the tram route.
I am completely unclear as to how much this restricts current ‘room for manoeuvre’ and how much CEC is using that as a convenient excuse for not doing more/better.
IF there needs to be legal modification who needs to do it and how long might it take? Does CEC have to ask or could Humza Yousaf just issue a decree (unlikely)?
Even IF that is part of the problem the bigger one is related to ‘no room’ and ‘need parking/traffic flows’.
Primarily these are political decisions for CEC councillors but clearly they are being ‘advised’ by officials on what can/should be done.
‘We’ think they are all living in the 19x0s (pick your favourite decade) and ‘need to look to the Continent’.
In short they SHOULD pull this plan/consultation - but then they shouldn’t have considered that this was suitable for consultation.
BUT I have no idea how to make that happen.
WORSE I can think of no reason to believe that the system (current CEC officials and councillors) would come up with a better brief for consultants who may or may not want to produce something significantly different/better.
I have no idea where CEC expects to get the money for extending the tram line or whether there would be any chance of conditions being imposed to make ‘improving streetscape’ a requirement.
It’s a mess. The latest mess of YEARS of CEC failing to do better due to (who knows) inertia, vested interests, lack of imagination, stupidity, ‘we know best’, ‘traffic flow is good for business’, ‘parking is good for business’, ‘pedestrians don’t vote’, ‘bus users are losers’.
Re the last made-up excuse, one reason for the tram was that it was believed that ‘people won’t get out of their cars to get the bus’. That was in spite of Edinburgh having higher bus use than most UK cities - not just ‘poor people’.
So hundreds of millions were spent (and CEC wants to spend more) to achieve modal shift.
I’m not arguing against the tram and certainly not against better PT, but there is this complete disconnect at CEC between acknowledging the tram carrot and being willing to use the stick of restricting car use - ESPECIALLY on tram routes.
Makes little sense, it’s not even as though there is a strong ‘motoring lobby’ - they did their best to stop 20mph, but actually it’s what more of ‘the public’ said they wanted.
Of course it wasn’t a BIG engineering project which seems to have its own rules, attitudes and vested interests...