Hi all,
Following on from @KnitBikeNom's tweet here: https://twitter.com/KnitBikeNom/status/1002516703077634048
I asked @edinhelp about this, and got the following e-mail:
The signs installed on the cycle lane on the footway at Leith walk are to remind cyclists that the cycle lane is a shared area i.e. cyclists AND pedestrians are allowed in this area (as opposed to a segregated cycle only lane)
These specific signs (A) have been located on the footway adjacent to areas where pedestrians are more likely to cross the cycle lane i.e. at a bus stop
If the cycle lane was segregated sign (B) would be installed to advise of the separate cycle path.
Where the attached (A) and (B) images are the standard "shared use" and "cycles one side, pedestrians the other side, like on the meadows" signs.
So I guess that means that the cycle lanes on Leith Walk aren't segregated cycle lanes after all, but are shared use?