CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure

Links Place crossing - consultation

(6 posts)

  1. neddie

    Dear Sir / Madam
    A crossing assessment was recently undertaken on Links Place at the junction of Johns Place and Elbe Street. Our intention is to tighten up the radius of the left turn into Johns Place to slow traffic and to construct a pedestrian refuge island at this point.

    We wish to gather both your and local opinions on the location and type of crossing proposed at this site. To achieve this we have created an online consultation which can be found at:

    This consultation becomes live on Monday the 6th August 2018 and will run until midnight on Sunday 26th of August 2018.

    I would be pleased if you could look this consultation over and leave any comments you may have.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  2. neddie

    At first glance, it appears to create a potential new set of pinch-points for cyclists.

    Would be better to narrow the carriageway further and have a single-stage zebra with no central island.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  3. crowriver

    @neddie, agreed. This seems to be more about facilitating two-way motor traffic than improving situation for pedestrians. The proposed build-out on the corner is a good idea though.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  4. Nelly

    Unless they also double yellow the northern side of Links Place, removal of the existing traffic calming buildout will result in faster cars there.

    Ironically, at the moment, many cars are only slowed down at that spot due to the combination of parked cars near the buildout along from the newsagents.

    The only way this will really work is if they put additional traffic calming measures either side of the island.

    Posted 5 years ago #
  5. neddie

    Reminder, closes at the weekend:

    Closes Sunday 26th of August 2018

    Posted 5 years ago #
  6. crowriver

    My response below. Feel free to borrow/adapt if so minded.

    This is the location. Fresh tarmac clearly visible where previously removed build-out on south side used to be.

    Another similarly removed south side build-out on the same street a little further east. Note the build-out that's still there has a car parked on it!


    I support the proposal to decrease the street corner radius. This will enhance the safety of pedestrians trying to cross. However I question the need to remove the footway build-out. This move seems designed to increase motor traffic throughput. This is contrary to the various council transport plans that aim to reduce traffic and slow it down, not encourage more of it to go faster. Pedestrian crossing safety will not be improved by replacing the build-out with an island refuge. In addition an island refuge will increase hazards for cyclists using the street, as it creates two pinch points (one in either direction of travel) while failing to slow motor vehicles down (as the current build-out does, by necessity vehicles have to slow to give way to oncoming traffic). I note also that the build-out on the south side has already been removed, for reasons unknown.

    It would be better to formalise the pedestrian crossing to the footway build-out by using a zebra crossing road marking, for example. This is after all a popular route for pedestrians that connects a residential area to a public park. I would further suggest re-instating the southern build-out to reduce vehicle speeds on Links Place.

    So, in summary, yes to reducing street corner radius; no to removing footway build-out / replacing with island refuge; and suggest further zebra crossing markings to formalise the crossing at the build-out, plus re-instating the removed build-out on the southern side of Links Place..

    Posted 5 years ago #

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