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Meanwhile in Midlothian

(118 posts)

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  1. chdot

    Planning is completely dysfunctional in this country.

    @scotgov has a 20% and @Edinburgh_CC has a 30% car km reduction target, and @midgov gives consent to a car-led development with 250 parking spaces on Edinburgh's outskirts.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. Arellcat

    Presume it's application 22/00689/S50 for "Land North East of Sheriffhall Park and Ride, Easter Shawfair, Danderhall".

    MLC planning portal helpfully says:

    Planning Application details not available
    This application is no longer available for viewing. It may have been removed or restricted from public viewing.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. chdot

    This’ll be a tough job! (Someone has been appointed) -

    Midlothian Council is looking for an experienced, motivated, forward thinking Strategic Transport Planning Manager. As Scotland’s fastest growing local authority, this is an exciting time to join Place Services and be part of delivering strategic transport infrastructure projects that contribute to Midlothian’s Carbon Neutral pledge, promote active travel and provide accessible and reliable public transport solutions for Midlothian’s citizens.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. Arellcat

    strategic transport

    Ah yes. How I've missed that term.

    With a bit of cycling and walking tacked on because a few people have got their knickers in a twist about climate change and pollution and stuff and we can't be seen to forget about it.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. edinburgh87

    Does anyone know what “they” plan in terms of road access to the new development at Rosslynlee? Only options currently are all unclassified back roads either from the A6094, B7003 Roslin Glen rat run or from the B7026 after Auchendinny. Can’t see any of it being particularly pleasant.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. amir

    Aye - that's a big development. The lane to it is quite wide, but then the lanes that link that lane to the outside world are not so well suited. These are nice lanes for a cycle or a walk - that will change I guess. I suspect few in the development will use active travel to get to civilisation of course.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. edinburgh87

    Just seems so OTT!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. Arellcat

    Thought it was time for some updates.

    "realign the B7003 eastwards to a conventional T-junction with the A6094, convert the stub of the ex-B7003 to the viaduct approach, run the viaduct over Wallace's Cave and between Roslin and Dryden farm, to the eastern side of the Institute, demolish the barn of Langhill Farm, and construct a new roundabout there with the B7006."

    Well the barn has been demolished at least.


    UofE ’tried to do the right thing’
    MidL/Cala have less desirable priorities?
    ‘Real World’ says ‘too late to change’.

    That crossing of the Roslin core path by the Cala road is an interesting one. Despite the 'cyclists dismount' signs, the raised table is proving surprisingly effective at encouraging drivers to cede priority to people using the core path.

    Does anyone know what “they” plan in terms of road access to the new development at Rosslynlee? Only options currently are all unclassified back roads either from the A6094, B7003 Roslin Glen rat run or from the B7026 after Auchendinny. Can’t see any of it being particularly pleasant.

    Recent works seem to be about reworking the trackbed of the Peebles railway between the hospital grounds and the old Roslin Glen road - here and here for active travel. None of that helps people very much except as a nicer way to reach the glen road.

    While engaging in my next round of reminding Midlothian Council of its glacial pace at dealing with anything related to paths maintenance, I came across this document:

    Businesses and organisations welcoming cyclists in Midlothian

    which you find is now eight years out of date. The Cockatoo for example is still listed...

    Posted 7 months ago #
  9. slowcoach

    Rosewell to Auchendinny path to be closed for 3 months!?
    “ The National Cycle Network 196 core path between Rosewell and Auchendinny will be upgraded using Flexipave, an environmentally friendly material made from recycled tyre rubber and natural stone.
    Surfacing this section of the path with Flexipave, which is softer than asphalt, will make the route accessible for a broad range of users including those with mobility issues and horse riders, particularly in poor weather.
    The work will start in late spring/early summer and will require closing the Rosewell to Auchendinny path for around 12 weeks.
    Councillors approved the work after considering 752 responses to a survey in 2023 asking local people how they use the route and how they would like to see it improved.” from Midlothian’s Facebook page

    Posted 7 months ago #
  10. edinburgh87

    Sounds good, although closing it for 3 months in summer is a minor annoyance. Saw the council's facebook post and it didn't take the "but potholes" brigade long to reply!

    Posted 7 months ago #
  11. chdot

    Elsewhere -

    But the peace and quiet is being jeopardised by “foolhardy” plans by Powys county council to use hundreds of thousands of pounds from the UK government’s levelling up fund to resurface the byway, making it accessible to off-road motorcycles.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  12. Dave

    I don't know much about off road motorbikes but in my mind they are among the most capable of all vehicles in terms of not needing a surfaced path, so the article is a bit confusing

    Posted 7 months ago #
  13. Arellcat

    It's really about ensuring responsible usage of a right of way, in which both the right of way and its environs are vulnerable to erosion. Green laning is a thing, and the people I know who enjoy it are responsible. IMO a ban on motorbikes (and 4x4s etc) would be better because of the environmental vulnerability (as opposed to going offroading in a disused quarry, for instance), but that's probably a bit like trying to make drugs illegal instead of safer.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  14. Arellcat

    Also meanwhile in Midlothian, the ban on pavement parking starts on 1 April, and narrow-streeted, village-dwelling, car-owning people aren't very happy about it.

    (full report here - the FAQ is pleasingly robust!)


    A Red classification was given where there was a significant level of pavement parking currently taking place (pavement parking on >25% road’s length). Following the assessment, 151 roads or 7.2% of the total were classified red requiring further assessment.

    Of the 151 red classified roads only 8 or 5% were suspected of causing a significant impact which may require mitigation measures to be introduced such as double yellow lines. The eight significant impact roads represent 0.4% of the roads in Midlothian.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  15. Frenchy

    Took a very quick look at each of the 8 "significant impact" streets on Streetview. I think they're being very cautious (perhaps rightly).

    I think there are probably two which might actually cause any problem at all (North Wynd, Dalkeith and Auld Coal Grove, Bonnyrigg), although I was possibly looking at out of date imagery.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  16. Arellcat

    This just advertised:

    We want to hear your views on the latest draft of ‘On the Move Midlothian: Our Active Travel Strategy for Everyone’.

    To capture the full range of transport constraints in Midlothian, we are running this 12-week consultation in conjunction with a second consultation on the first two stages of the Local Transport Strategy development- the Local Transport Strategy Case for Change Report.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  17. chdot

    I am delighted to present to you 'On the Move Midlothian: Our Active Travel Strategy for Everyone'. This strategy aims to make active travel a safe, reliable, healthy, cost-effective means of travel, for all or part of a journey. Active travel positively contributes to the health and well-being of Midlothian's population, it improves connectivity within the region and neighbouring authorities, it enhances economic growth and opportunity, all whilst helping to deliver on our climate commitments and the sustainable future of Midlothian. The strategy builds on previous active travel consultation with communities, and responds to the key barriers and challenges around active travel that were identified.

    Since the publication of Midlothian Council's Active Travel Strategy in 2018 a lot has changed. We have experienced significant change in society with respect to patterns of movement and ways of living and working post-pandemic. In Midlothian we are experiencing increased housing growth and demand throughout the county, and increased pressures associated with the cost of living. Alongside this, at governmental and policy level, we have witnessed the declaration of a climate emergency and commitments to meet new climate change and biodiversity targets. Commitments to carbon emission reduction and tackling the climate emergency are reflected in recent changes to the Highway Code, The Transport Hierarchy, National Transport Strategy and the National Planning Framework, where travelling by sustainable methods of transport has become a key priority. In 2019, Midlothian Council declared a climate emergency, with a commitment to make the Council's activities net-zero by 2030.

    We must acknowledge the many positive aspects that transport and travel can bring to society. This includes enhancing well-being and life satisfaction through providing access to friends and family, work, education, health care, and greenspace, as well as enabling and enhancing economic opportunities and reducing inequalities.

    Given the importance of travel, we need to find ways to continue to move around Midlothian and our neighbouring local authorities in a sustainable way.

    I am aware of the transport challenges we currently face in Midlothian, and more specifically the challenges around encouraging and supporting sustainable and active travel journeys.

    These are further complicated by the rural and semi-rural nature of some of our settlements, and the geographic and socio-economic diversity of the area. Combined with the current and future growth in population, and expansion of housing sites and urban settlements we need a strategy that will help to support Midlothian's active travel aspirations and help Midlothian's population use active travel as a feasible and reliable option as part of the wider transport challenge.

    'On The Move Midlothian: Our Active Travel Strategy for Everyone' supports a range of interventions and programmes of work aimed at enabling more journeys to be made by active modes of travel.

    Route development, improved and better maintained physical infrastructure, and activities to encourage and promote behaviour change are all supported, with an emphasis on encouraging the shift away from private motor vehicle use where possible. The strategy will help to make active travel a realistic and accessible transport option for all of Midlothian's residents - no matter how large or small.

    Councillor Colin Cassidy

    Midlothian Council's Cabinet Member for Transport

    (114 pages)

    Posted 5 months ago #
  18. Morningsider

    Standard active travel boilerplate - that is effectively the political foreword to hundreds of such documents (just change 'Midlothian' for some other location).

    In real life - Midlothian are authorising many car dependent cookie cutter housing developments and allowing the expansion of out of town retail centres.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  19. Arellcat

    In Midlothian we are experiencing increased housing growth and demand throughout the county, and

    That's a very passive statement. It couldn't be because Midlothian is actually giving the OK to Cala and David Wilson Homes all over the place, could it?

    This is also the same Midlothian who told me, in their response to my official complaint about lack of paths maintenance in autumn/winter, that:

    We understand the challenges posed by mud, twigs, rotting leaves, and overgrown vegetation on these routes, which can impact the safety and usability of the paths. Our council is actively investigating these maintenance issues, with a council officer currently looking into the main problems affecting the travel corridors.

    Early indications from our investigation suggest that access issues for street sweeping machines make the clean-up of these routes particularly problematic. Limited accessibility for maintenance vehicles can hinder the effective removal of debris and vegetation, contributing to the ongoing challenges faced on various travel corridors.

    On the matter of the lack of responses I regret I am unable to provide an explanation for the lack of response to this issue, as it has only recently been forwarded to waste services. However, I can inform you that we are currently undergoing a service review which aims to enhance collaboration between departments. This should prevent delays in responses in cases where there is an overlap of interests in the future.

    We are committed to addressing the maintenance issues on the travel corridors and implementing solutions to enhance the overall condition of these paths for the benefit of all users. Your feedback is invaluable, and we will continue to work towards ensuring that the routes are well-maintained and safe for everyone to enjoy.

    (my bold)

    Laudable I'm sure, but it's all a bit "'under consideration' means we've lost the file; 'under active consideration' means we're trying to find it."

    Limited access for vehicles? I mean, MLC built the path in the first place. It had bloody trains on it at one time! Limited access is being caused by the lack of maintenance.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  20. chdot

    In line with national guidance, Midlothian Council is committed to improving active travel routes and connections, with the aim to make it easier for people to walk, wheel and cycle for their everyday journeys.
    This study aims to contribute towards the target to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030 in Midlothian and Transport Scotland's ambition to reduce car kilometres by 20% by 2030.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  21. Arellcat

    is committed to improving active travel routes and connections

    "Is" is working very hard in this phrase.

    Quite frankly, I don't believe MLC has any particular interest in supporting active travel these days. They no longer engage on the active travel forum after being criticised too often.

    I will start to change my mind when they address the A701 between Milton Bridge and Niven's Knowe Road by resurfacing it and installing adequate* segregated cycling.

    * it will never be any better than this

    Posted 2 months ago #
  22. chdot

  23. Frenchy

    Quite frankly, I don't believe MLC has any particular interest in supporting active travel these days. They no longer engage on the active travel forum after being criticised too often.

    There has been a wholesale change of staff in MLC's active travel team. The new team is small, but do seem to genuinely want to make improvements. Whether they get the support and resources to actually change anything is a completely different matter.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  24. vladimpala

    The National Cycle Network 196 core path between Rosewell and Auchendinny will be upgraded using Flexipave

    Looks like this work has started - between Auchendinny and the Glencorce viaduct has been done and path was very firmly chained shut at the east end of Viaduct on Saturday.

    Posted 6 days ago #
  25. gembo

    The info i heard was that people were ignoring the closure signs so they had to get serious with the chains.

    Posted 6 days ago #
  26. Arellcat

    Will need to have a nosy.

    Point of order though, Firth Viaduct is the one at the eastern end of the path at Dalmore mill/Auchendinny. The Glencorse Viaduct was demolished in 1987 by Glencorse golf club who had been tasked with its upkeep as a condition of its sale by BR in the 1970s.

    Posted 5 days ago #
  27. ejstubbs

    @Arellcat: In procedural terms, that's a point of information.

    (The two viaducts were on different railways: the Forth Viaduct was on the Penicuik Railway, now part of the Penicuik to Dalkeith cycle route/walkway, while the Glencorse Viaduct was on the Glencorse Extension of the Edinburgh, Loanhead and Roslin Railway, now a cycle route/walkway along part of its length, from Shawfair to about half a km outside Roslin.)

    Posted 5 days ago #
  28. vladimpala

    Never trusting Google Maps again.

    Posted 5 days ago #

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