CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Events, rides etc.


(212 posts)
  • Started 5 years ago by I were right about that saddle
  • Latest reply from acsimpson
  • poll: Do swifts make you happy?
    Yes : (16 votes)
    62 %
    I am but a husk-puppet controlled by a dead soul : (10 votes)
    38 %

  1. ejstubbs

    Disappointed not to see/hear any swifts at Porty yesterday, it's usually a good place to see them at this time of year. Is it too late already?

    (Did see a group of house martins hawking for insects over the Figgate Burn outflow over the beach, but only four in number - we've seen many more on past visits. Think I might take a run out to Green Cleugh soon, to see how the sand martins are doing there.)

    Posted 2 months ago #
  2. acsimpson

    It's not too late to see them in Edinburgh as I spotted a group in East Craigs this evening.

    Posted 2 months ago #

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