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Also used X-5.
I ordered an X9 from eBay on Monday, but it didn't arrive by Saturday as expected, and I kind of want to be using the torpedo. It took a bit of doing, because Sram is thoroughly idiotic, but I stole the spring from my own X5 that is on my Sequoia, and put that into the original X0 from the torpedo, and did the swap this evening. The X5 spring is very noticeably lighter in feel (although I already knew it would be). It uses thinner gauge wire because it's aimed at unsponsored leisure-riding amateurs who don't have gnarly thumb muscles, and it's a bit rusty: it's done a couple of winters and it isn't stainless – but inside the torpedo there is no weather) so I'm hoping I don't get too many ghost shifts. If I do, I'll swap it for the X9.
And since my Sequoia is thus dérailleurless, maybe I'll bung on my spare XT trigger and whatever Shimano mech I've got knocking around.