Stravaiging round Dreghorn way the other day for the first time in a long time, I was reminded that cycle access to the fields & hills from the back road to the barracks is hampered by the gate here being locked. You can't get a bike through the kissing gate, so I had to resort once again to hefting my bike over the thing to the left of the gate in this picture.
While doing so I realised that (a) I have no idea what such constructions are actually provided for, and (b) what they're called. Anyone know?
The one I negotiated was basically like a stretch of fairly robust wooden four-rail fence, maybe 8-10ft long, with a broad, rounded top member. Running along each side of said 'fence' was a low bench-like structure, roughly knee height, the purpose of which appeared to be to make it easier to climb over (but it's quite narrow so still a bit precarious when lifting a bike). I suppose you could describe it as being a bit like a stile on steroids. But what actually is it?
Given that it's all MoD land and the barracks is just the other side of the bypass, my best guess so far is that they're intended to provide a means for groups of infantry to pass to and fro expeditiously without having to get the gate unlocked, or go single file through the kissing gate. I suppose I have an image of rufty-tufty squaddies vaulting the fence in synchronised formation. I probably watched the Royal Tournament too much on TV when I was a kid...