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“Stay away from towpaths - new Scottish Canals campaign“

(4 posts)

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  1. chdot

  2. neddie

    Scottish Canals the Corson of the towpath world?

    Posted 4 years ago #
  3. I were right about that saddle

    Tempted to ask Scottish Canals for paraffin.

    Posted 4 years ago #
  4. gembo

    Was ambling along on the Union canal towpath tonight, cyclist in front getting no reaction from a young couple taking up all of the path. The front cyclist finally prevailed to then be informed It isn’t a cyclable path.

    The cyclist laughed. I said actually it is NCN route 75. They didn’t like this,

    The front cyclist then remarked there should be signs.

    I said there are some. This was just beyond Boroughmuir High School and the first pole with 75 on it is not until Harrison Gdns and the next is not until just before The aqueduct.

    In a continuing slightly bizarre journey we were then set upon by a barrage of kids on bikes. The front cyclist wondered who they belonged too, they seemed slightly new to cycling and kind of firing off at all angles under a bridge. We were then overtaken by a small child on a grifter type bike which they could shift at great speed and also swerve in and out the many users of the shared path. Took me until Boroughmuir rugby club to chase them down and in fact they turned off into the field before I actually caught them .

    Posted 1 year ago #

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