It's a bit of a tenuous link to cycling but I know there's a few Porty based members here :)
There's a survey on what to do about the Town Hall - it's been closed for a while and the current council plans are to moth ball it for 5 years when they hope to have funds available to renovate/repair. I'm involved in a group that are looking to do a community take over.
Part of what we're doing is to see what people want to happen with the town hall, and the first step is a survey to get people's thoughts.
It'd be great if people could complete and share this survey (there's an option to join a mailing list if you want to keep up to date).
Here's the link: https://portytownhall.typeform.com/to/y9XuXJ
We're also on Twitter here - https://twitter.com/portycentral
You can always post here if you have any questions or want to find out more