Was proceeding home from Scotmid Spotted an Ironing Aid Van at the junction just behind the give way sign. The driver decided that give way didn’t apply to cyclists and proceeded to drive straight at me. I asked What are you do8ng and the driver seemed to me to be attempting justification? So I invited the driver to feck off up the road and stop trying to kill me, they obliged. I might put this on Balerno Moans later
If this wasn’t enough excitement a monster bike emerged from the top of WoL path being pedal led by the Mighty Ged.
A Rivendell? From California - White tyres, rear rack on the front, GED’s shopping basket on top, a Clem Smith Junior he said. I will google,
Then my neighbour was out with a lovely hack saw type tool sawing his holly bush and finally someone smashed through the traffic lights in aero helmet, full tuck and tribals, either Dave McCraw or Fabian Cancellera.
All of this peppered with appearances from local youth on mountain bikes 9n the pavement at speeds
And I thought I was just popping down to the shops.