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OT - Event: Maps, myths & other misrepresentations

(4 posts)


  1. unhurt
    NLS, Thurs 24 September 2020 17:00 – 17:45 BST (online)

    Not so long ago, the impressive Benchichins Mountains lay between Deeside and Angus, until their sudden obliteration in the hands of mapmakers. In this fully illustrated talk, Map Curator Chris Fleet looks at various other things on maps that might never have been really out there, as well as how maps lie, distort the truth and miss things out. How far should we trust the map, and is this a good idea?

    (I can't "go" as I will probably be w/out wifi out west, bah!)

    Posted 4 years ago #
  2. Roibeard

    It's been published on YouTube.


    [+] Embed the video | Video DownloadGet the Flash Video

    Posted 3 years ago #
  3. unhurt

    Good oh - was WiFiless as well as away!

    Posted 3 years ago #
  4. fimm

    Oh excellent - we couldn't make it and would have like to have done.

    Posted 3 years ago #

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