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Greenbank to Meadows Quiet Route

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  1. bakky

    Been filming the above Greenbank to Meadows quiet route videos over the last few days, big shout out to the drastic change in weather!

    Today will be filming from this previously scouted location on Braid Ave for another 1hr 4x speed video of school run time before filters are taken out.

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    The Braid Rd / Hermitage Dr / Braidburn Ter junction video at peak time had approx ~60 cycle users in an hour on Monday, which is a nice figure. Need to re-count, not that I don't trust our 6yo who was rapt when reviewing the footage and keeping score!

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    I will probably also publish the full realtime 1hr of that junction (possibly others) as I think it's informative to see how folks actually use them in practice. In my opinion the Braid Rd video above shows the junction working really well, in spite of local commentary suggesting it's confusing / complex (it's just new, folks - come on!)

    Posted 2 months ago #
  2. neddie


    Interesting that one person took to the pavement (at 2:05) to make the right turn from Braid Rd southbound into Braidburn Tce.

    Which suggests the design is not good / intuitive for bikes in that direction at least.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  3. neddie

    White Audi comes absolutely charging across the continuous footway at 5:04, not slowing for anyone. If anyone was about to walk across there, they wouldn't stand a chance

    Posted 2 months ago #
  4. bakky

    Yes - there was some really interesting movements particularly southbound. I've tried a few myself - emerging from either side of the filter, taking the tiger crossing on Hermitage Dr then the tiger to Braidburn Ter, or using the carriageway. It's not particularly obvious what is best (taking every side of the junction to cross the tigers does feel clunky). Traffic from Hermitage Dr in for a shock when Braid Rd reopens and they need to actually give way coming round that corner, currently only focused on crossings.

    A white Audi you say... surely not :)

    Posted 2 months ago #
  5. Dave

    This is great work! I've got one or two static videos from the estate at various times, I must remember to look them out and share (maybe contribute them to that one youtube channel?)

    Plus a few actually riding too.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  6. bakky

    Great stuff! Yeah that’s a good shout, you can always get me a flash drive to Not PY one month or sort out some kind of cloud transfer etc.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  7. Arellcat

    My experience of the junction, as it has been for 20 years, is mainly in turning right from Braid Road into Braidburn Terrace. The mini roundabout was a menace; the new setup is much better, although it's not perfect.

    My main difficulty is that drivers going northbound from Braid Road (i.e., having come down the big hill) are mainly looking for drivers approaching them from Braidburn Terrace and maybe Hermitage Drive, and are apt to miss pedestrians and cyclists trying to cross the zebras.

    So for my manoeuvre, I feel slightly more safe crossing Hermitage Drive than I do crossing Braid Road; the latter especially means looking both forward to my left and behind to my right, at the same time. It's harder work than would be a conventional zebra on a straight road because I have to turn my head constantly somewhere between 180 and 270 degrees.

    In addition, having crossed the Hermitage Drive zebra, I have to watch extra carefully to make sure a driver who stopped to let me cross is then aware enough to stop again to let me cross the second zebra.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  8. bakky

    @Arellcat agreed - coming across the tiger crossing from Hermitage Dr to Braidburn Ter is an awkward exercise - hard to know whether drivers from Hermitage Dr are going to realise you're about to use the crossing while they're turning left. That particular aspect might actually be helped when planters are gone from Braid Rd as they will be much more likely to need to stop to give way to southbound Braid Rd traffic.

    I also think the issue with planters as even a medium-term solution is how much they obscure sightlines (in this case, whether southbound cycles from Braid Rd are about to pass through the junction) as compared with bollards.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  9. bakky

    Concluded filming now. Here's the full set.


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    These each have a link to their respective 1hr 'realtime' version in the description, if you're wanting to see any of the interactions as they happened.


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    All of these are also on a Youtube Playlist.

    Now of course, the wait is on for a) the filter removal and lane introduction throughout the estate, and b) the rediscovery of it as a through-route, before filming the 'after' videos.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  10. Arellcat

    Now would be the time to do some baseline traffic counts, such as a matrix or heat map/bubble chart of how many drivers are making which particular manoeuvre. There are 4 arms to the junction, and because of the filter and one-way, there are currently 4 possible legal manoeuvres (and 2 illegal, into Bbn Terr).

    If and when the planters go, drivers will have 3 more possible manoeuvres (5 if turning right from Hermitage Drive into Braid Road northbound, and vice versa, is also allowed.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  11. neddie

    In the first video, at 5:25, there's a couple crossing Hermitage Drive, not even using the zebra, but simply crossing at the desire-line, i.e. at the apex of the corner

    Posted 2 months ago #
  12. chdot

    Addendum by the Green Group
    Transport and Environment Committee
    15th August 2024
    Item 6.1 - Business Bulletin
    Canaan Lane
    1. Welcomes updates on work around Canaan Lane to improve safety.
    2. Notes the Committee's previous decision about the Greenbank-Meadows Quiet Route on 7th March 2024 which included a commitment to "any necessary updates [being made] to School Travel Plans* which should include Canaan Lane Primary and South Morningside
    Primary, given their proximity to the route. 3. Notes that, to date, no specific engagement has taken place with the school community around what changes will need to be made to the Canaan Lane / South Morningside Primary School travel plans following the committee decision to remove modal filters along the "quiet" route, despite these concerns being raised by the Parent Council
    advance of and following that meeting. 4. Regrets that the school community has expressed concern over the latest iterat
    school travel plan which includes errors and has not had appropriate sign off fro
    Parent Council.

    5. Agrees that officers meet with ward Councillors and the school community to determine: a. The current status of the school travel plan, including amending errors contained
    within it b. The scope of possible revisions to the school travel plan in the face of the Committee's decision to remove modal filters from the "quiet" route, as w
    timescale for those revisions to be implemented 6. Agrees that updates from this meeting will be included in the next report on scho
    plans due at Transport and Environment committee in November 2024.

    Posted 3 weeks ago #

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