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Headphones for iPhone (advice please)

(13 posts)

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  1. chdot

    I don’t like the idea of earbuds because I imagine they would fall out when cycling - yes this a cycling forum...

    (And they look odd - but I’m sure I could get used to that.)

    There must be plenty of people here who avoid losing them.

    What have you got, have you lost any, etc.

    Posted 4 years ago #
  2. nobrakes

    I got a lightning to headphone jack adapter. Then you can use whatever you want.

    Posted 4 years ago #
  3. gembo

    @chdot have you written to Farther Christmas about this? Sorry Farver Xmas as Mills Molly Mandy would say

    Posted 4 years ago #
  4. SRD

    I got a decent pair of noise cancelling Sony headphones (WH-1000XM3 ) when I was commuting to London/working in an open plan office. Even more useful when we were all wfh/homeschooling. Pricey but comfy. Wouldn’t cycle in them though.

    Posted 4 years ago #
  5. wingpig

    I have some Cambridge Audio Melomaniae, which would presumably work with blue Apple teeth as well as normal Android and Windows devices. They stay wedged in when I walk, which is at least as jiggly as when I run and presumably much more jiggly than cycling. Bluetooth 5 and aptX and so on. Sound quite nice, no cable rustle, lots of battery life, but obviously if you yawn or waggle your ears too much they're out.

    Posted 4 years ago #
  6. dessert rat

    These don't use Amazon

    I use mine every single day. Has transformed my commute, plus can still hear cars etc...

    Posted 4 years ago #
  7. mcairney

    +1 for the Aftershokz. Wireless, decent battery life, sweat-proof and the bone conduction means you can still hear ambient sound. Also as an all-in-one no worry about them falling out as with earbuds.
    Their primary downside is that music is frequently drowned out by wind noise.
    I prefer them to my AirPods on the bike

    Posted 4 years ago #
  8. chdot

    Thanks all

    “lightning to headphone jack adapter”

    Think I’ll start with that and keep investigating.

    Thanks for covering various considerations - wind noise etc.

    @ gembo

    As usual that wasn’t an answer to the question. You should be a politician.

    The answer to your question is that FC is stuck in lorry park in France.

    (That’s the reason you won’t be be getting the new top you asked for.)

    Posted 4 years ago #
  9. gembo

    @chdot, thanks for getting me it tho. Still appreciate that.

    Posted 4 years ago #
  10. minus six

    inEar Stagediver 3 for me

    in-ear monitors, with over-ear wires, they don't fall out

    Posted 4 years ago #
  11. edinburgh87

    Another vote for Trekz Titanium (other, similar products are available). I've ploughed through many an audio-book on longer rides. Was also useful in the office (before WFH) to listen to things without looking ignorant of my surroundings. Must have clocked up 00s of hours of use on mine. Battery life was enough to get through a dark, lonely 150k (the last half of a 300k Audax route check).

    Posted 4 years ago #
  12. gembo

    [+] Embed the video | Video DownloadGet the Flash Video

    Merry Xmas (if it is not my bhome page anyway)

    Posted 4 years ago #
  13. Dave

    I find in ear uncomfortable and prone to falling out. Sometimes use a helmet so neck band style seems like the best compromise so far. I use a variation of these (may or may not be available off-Amazon). Some wind noise, but I'm on my 2nd pair so...

    Posted 4 years ago #

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