I really crave some sort of "letting a bus out" signal.
I quite often try to let Lothian buses out because the rest of the time, I'm trying to pass one and relying on them not pulling out into me - I don't see why I can't traffic check with my bike just like I would do in the car (and it works, in the sense that it stops following traffic from blocking the bus in).
But quite often the driver will just sit there patiently, indicator ticking, because I guess all they can see are a bunch of constant lights behind, no sort of communication is going on.
I've tried "inverse flashing" by using my hand to blink my headlight a couple of times, but this seems to mean nothing (and to be fair, I'm not sure I'd like drivers to pull out when they see a light flash on and off in a bicycle style!)
What's the forum's opinion on this thorny issue?