The secret to our success was treating cycling like a system of transportation — building an entire network of connected lanes, instead of a few disconnected lanes year after year. And getting it all done at once before the political winds changed....
Political will is the key factor in developing sustainable mobility policies, but this political will must manifest in decisions regarding where to build infrastructure and how to manage the mobility system. It takes more than a pro-bike government; it takes making decisions based on how to achieve a real and significant change in mode share.
Was reading this today and it really does reinforce for me what I was saying in another thread: we must have a comprehensive city-wide network plan for active travel, implementing it must be in manifestos in the 2022 elections, and assuming it gets the votes it must be done. In one go, before the following local elections - no equivocating, no consultations upon consultations upon consultations, and absolutely no regard whatsoever for the bleating of the Evening News, the Tories, and the NIMBYs.
EDIT - Oops, already posted elsewhere, feel free to delete this then.