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Council elections 2022

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  • Started 2 years ago by Stickman
  • Latest reply from chdot
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  1. Murun Buchstansangur

    The Electoral Reform Society rules for running an STV election includes the following:

    "5.4.8 If any papers have become non-transferable before any candidate has been deemed elected, recalculate the quota as in paragraph 5.1.6, ignoring the non-transferable vote."

    which equates in my mind to removing spoilt ballots?

    It doesn't mention any further quota recalculation, in the preface it states

    "The opportunity has been taken to simplify the structure of this publication, to clarify its wording and to remove some duplication. The principal changes are:

    Withdrawal of the optional provision to place votes in suspense, which was introduced in the second edition. This appears to have been little used. We believe that the increased use of computers makes it unnecessary
    A further reduction in the quota when it is safe to do so
    All quotas calculated to two decimal places."

    So presumably in the ERS' view, a reduction at any other point is not safe?

    I think one effect of varying the quota at multiple points would be that the vote totals would vary - at present, if all the remaining active votes and the total non-transferable votes are tallied at each stage, you should have exactly the number of ballots at the start.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. chdot

    Councillor McVey has made clear he still hopes to reach some kind of agreement with Labour. He said: “The most logical option from the result remains a two-party coalition majority coalition. We are the only two parties that make a two-party majority, so discussions will continue to see if there's a version of collaboration, of working together that can mean those two manifestos, which were very similar, can be progressed – because ultimately that's what the people of Edinburgh voted for.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. chdot

    But a Green source indicated coalition was not the only option and a looser co-operation or confidence and supply – where a smaller party agrees to back a larger one on key votes to keep them in power – were alternative models.

    The source said conversations had not yet progressed to detailed policy discussions, which the Greens view as key to any agreement. And any deal would have to be approved by Edinburgh Green members. The source said: "I don't think a deal is imminent."

    Posted 2 years ago #
  4. chdot

    Half the councillors who will take their seats for the first meeting of the newly-elected council at the City Chambers next week are new to the job.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  5. chdot

    But an insider said the consensus at last night’s Labour group meeting was there should be no deal with the SNP and a statement should be issued to that effect. "Cammy seemed totally deflated when he realised there wasn’t going to be a deal.”

    Posted 2 years ago #
  6. chdot

    JUST days after coming within a seat of replacing the SNP in Glasgow, the Labour group in the city is reportedly on the brink of “civil war”.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  7. chdot

    New Cllrs have got their emails, with Cllr at front!(?)

    Posted 2 years ago #
  8. chdot

    (Owned by new Cllr)

    Posted 2 years ago #
  9. acsimpson

    ... new councillor and soon to be tern owner:

    I wonder if it was the effect of the cargo bike movement holding a demonstration day outside the cafe.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  10. chdot


    Hadn’t joined those things up!

    Definitely a new ‘set’ of councillors.

    I could almost be optimistic…

    Now ‘all’ we need to know is who will actually be ‘in charge’ - especially of Transport Committee.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  11. Yodhrin

    Looking more & more like a minority SNP admin with Greens only agreeing for sure to back them in confidence votes.

    Was hoping Greens & Lab would be part of the administration - better to extract some guaranteed concessions now and have a stable majority to get them all through than spend the next five years trying to cobble stuff together issue-by-issue while obstructionists and grandstanders play to the peanut gallery.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  12. Morningsider

    No longer just concerned that the Workplace Parking Levy and Road User Charging are likely toast. An unstable minority administration is a recipe for every political chancer to oppose any and every "controversial cycle scheme". Looking more and more like a step backwards from the last administration.

    I hope I am wrong. Perhaps Labour and the Lib Dems will actually step up, but being in opposition does odd things to politicians. They aren't tied in to supporting the administrations policy platform and, even where they may personally support a policy, may simply choose to oppose a scheme for some perceived political advantage.

    Thinking about that though - Edinburgh voters overwhelmingly supported parties in favour of cycling and public realm improvement. At what point do the other parties start considering these as vote winners rather than losers?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  13. chdot

    “Looking more and more like a step backwards from the last administration.”

    That depends

    On a lot

    Obviously ‘we’ are obsessed (slightly) with transport/cycling but there are many other things for Cllrs to agree/fall out about.


    I really believe there are now more Cllrs across all/most parties actually keen on improving walking/cycling.

    A lot depends on who is T&E committee Chair (MIGHT not be called that or have different mix of responsibilities).

    IF Cllr LM then useful continuity.

    If not, perhaps someone with similar views and a determination not diminished by the attrition of the past few years.

    Assuming it’s someone from the SNP, then presumably they will want to work towards various SG targets on Climate and mileage reduction.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  14. chdot

    Talks on a new administration at the city council appear almost to have ground to a halt – but there could be moves to elect a Lord Provost this week, even if there is no agreement on a coalition.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  15. Stickman

  16. crowriver

    @chdot, unlikely given this:

    "A leaked document shows that any proposed arrangements would have to reflect the party’s position on the cost-of-living crisis and opposition to austerity."

    Posted 2 years ago #
  17. SRD

  18. Yodhrin

    @crowriver You're assuming they wouldn't just dissemble that into meaninglessness. They could claim that being able to form a minority administration meets those requirements in and of itself. Hell given their opposition to the WPL, they could spin Tory/Lib anti-cycling policies as "addressing the cost of living crisis" because some people who meet the definition of working class own cars.

    They give the game away at the bottom of the article; the provision is about stopping local parties from doing deals with the SNP specifically - we know from experience Labour party leadership are quite happy cosying up to Tories if the need arises, because they don't view the Tories as having usurped their "rightful" place in their wee northern fief.

    Hopefully the Edinburgh Tories remain as intractable and unreasonable as they usually are, because I think their attitude will be a bigger barrier to a Red/Orange/Blue coalition/agreement than Labour's SEC would be.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  19. Stickman

  20. chdot

    Here’s a challenge for our new (and not so new) local councillors who tasted success at the elections a fortnight ago. Wouldn't you prefer that your council held real power, had a meaningful degree of legal and fiscal autonomy, and was of a size that felt worthy of the term ‘local’? Unfortunately, for now anyway, that’s a distant prospect. Instead, you’ll be joining Scotland’s uniquely super-sized regional authorities, each largely beholden to the Scottish Government and consequently with a built-in disconnect from the very people who just elected you. A recent paper by Electoral Reform Society suggests that 67% of the population feel powerless over decisions that directly affect their community - a symptom of democratic malaise if ever there was one. But it hasn’t always been like this. That same paper argues that historically, our most significant social innovations often came out of local government (albeit when 'local' really was local), and that these were invariably driven by the energy and creativity of their communities. So here's the challenge for our new councillors. To become truly effective in local government, you'll need to reconnect with communities in ways that tap into all that potential. And here’s how - let local people lead.

    Angus Hardie, Director

    Posted 2 years ago #
  21. crowriver

    @Yodhrin, alas I fear you are correct. I see Labour have entered into coalition with the Tories on Stirling Council...

    Posted 2 years ago #
  22. SRD

    I've written to my Labour councillor, pleading with them to work with SNP and Greens to achieve their pledges.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  23. chdot

    The Scottish Labour leader denied during a trip to Hamilton that he was playing “a game of semantics”, saying he made it “absolutely clear” there will be no formal coalitions with the SNP and Tories.

    However, the First Minister has said the denial makes the Labour leader “seem shifty” and “gives the impression he thinks voters are daft”.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  24. Rosie

    @SRD - I shall write to mine. Which pledges did you specify?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  25. Stickman

    The Edinburgh Green Party has this evening sent an email to branch members with the text of a draft coalition agreement with the SNP.

    The text will be discussed by the Edinburgh Green Party at a special branch meeting on Tuesday 24 May 2022.

    Cllr Claire Miller, co-convener of the Green group said: “Our councillors have been in detailed talks with SNP councillors for some days now, and we believe the decision on whether or not to progress a minority coalition with the SNP for Edinburgh council should now be put to our members.

    Assuming the Green members vote for this agreement, could it still be scuppered if Lab and the LibDems form a coalition and the Tories support it?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  26. Frenchy

    @Stickman - Yes, if Lib Dems and Conservatives both support a Labour minority, that would prevent the SNP/Green coalition.

    I have no idea how likely that is.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  27. chdot

    We have a great start on these issues in our manifesto. We were the only party looking to save people money in these difficult financial times and we looked to balance environmental concern with a realism over people’s costs where they need a car or van for work.

    To regain support, we must keep talking to the Edinburgh public and listen to them on how we further develop these ideas.

    To his credit, he was probably the first councillor in Edinburgh advocating a cycle hire scheme - years ago.

    However much he wants to blame Boris for his party’s ‘misfortune’ he can’t have failed to notice that ‘scrap the SfP measures’ was hardly a vote winner.

    November 2021 -

    The Transport and Environment Committee:

    1.1.1 Regrets the abrupt end of the Edinburgh Cycle Hire Scheme (ECHS) in September and the failure of the SNP/Labour administration to ensure continuity of service for the users of this long-awaited scheme despite a considerable budget allocation being available and considers this a failure of leadership, delivery and commercial ability by this Administration;

    Proposer IW

    Posted 2 years ago #
  28. Stickman

    No matter our local focus, it’s hard to cut through when the TV news bulletins every night reconfirm the suggestion by others that the public could use the council election to “send a message” to those they dislike in national politics.

    Is the Conservative party which Iain Whyte is a member of the same one which wanted to send a message to Nicola Sturgeon?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  29. chdot

  30. Stickman

    However a Labour source said they expected plans for a minority Labour administration with Lib Dems appointed to “no-political” posts like licensing board chair to be put forward on Thursday as well. It is understood a Labour group meeting on Sunday night backed the move, though further talks still had to take place.

    Why would the LibDems agree to this? Labour only have one more councillor so are hardly in a position to make demands.

    Posted 2 years ago #

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