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Council elections 2022

(522 posts)
  • Started 2 years ago by Stickman
  • Latest reply from chdot
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  1. chdot

    “Why would the LibDems agree to this?”


    Anything except the Indy parties.

    Sorry, no -

    So that they are in the best place to bring their expertise and enlightened policies to CEC and do the BEST for Edinburgh.

    ‘Running Edinburgh’ is complex.

    To what extent political decisions at local level make much difference is difficult to determine.

    Of course ‘running the City’ is something of an exaggeration. CEC has direct responsibility for some things - schools (about 75% - which creates whole other issues…) and Social Work - while both involve the opportunities for ‘local input’, councils are heavily constrained by external legislation.

    ‘We’ are perhaps more concerned with roads, paths and ‘open spaces’.

    Decades of ‘everyone wants a motor car and we have to cater for them’ is perhaps over, but there’s a long way to go.

    With a new administration that actually wants to change priorities there could be some room for optimism.

    But what are the chances of ‘the opposition’ agreeing/helping rather than kneejerk opposing??

    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. chdot

    Thurs is highly unpredictable (& there is talk some cllrs may not follow party lines)

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. chdot

    Anas Sarwar wants to change the way Scotland does local democracy #Elections2022


    Arguably for the benefit of the Labour Party, not (necessarily) the locals or ‘democracy’.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  4. Yodhrin

    Anas Sarwar wants desperately to do deals with Tories without having to say that's what he's doing. It's the most dishonest rhetoric he's ever employed, and given we're talking about Anas Sarwar that's saying something.

    His "minority administrations" are either going to be entirely dependent on Tory votes, or they're going to have to rely on the SNP to get policies through anyway issue-by-issue and, what, does he believe the Tories will be jolly grateful chaps come the next election and *not* hammer them with "vote Labour get SNP"?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  5. Morningsider

    This is one of the most depressing local political developments I have seen in years. The Tories are reduced to the smallest party in the city and Labour (Labour!) seem determined to engineer a way for them to have a say in the running of the city. The first time that will have happened since 1984.

    I cannot see how they gain any political advantage from this. They simply gift progressive voters to the SNP and Greens, while attracting zero Tory voters - as they can't be more unionist, pro-car or "anti-immigrant" than the Tories.

    I am sure there are Labour spads who think they are playing some long-game 4D chess, which will drive Labour votes at the next Holyrood election. They are really just playing Kerplunk, which is what may happen to their vote share at the next Council elections if this goes ahead.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  6. Frenchy

    Dumfries & Galloway to continue with an SNP/Labour administration:

    Posted 2 years ago #
  7. Yodhrin

    Right so, what - did the party HQ bods approve that deal then? If they did, what the friggedy-feck are Edinburgh Labour up to? Have we had word what the Greens decided on today yet?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  8. Stickman

    In John Macllelan’s EEN column last week he claimed that some of the new LibDem councillors had full-time jobs which wouldn’t allow them to take on the responsibility of working as part of the administration

    Posted 2 years ago #
  9. Rosie

    I don't know what they're at. I'm furious as I thought we could finally get away from the constitutional issue for the local elections.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  10. Frenchy

    Have we had word what the Greens decided on today yet?

    The Green members meeting will be this evening.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  11. Stickman

    Labour minority it is then, as presumably the Tories will do the same:

    On Thursday, there will be two propositions before Edinburgh Council to form an administration; a SNP/Green coalition and a Labour minority.

    The LibDem opposition group has agreed to back the option offering the best chance for change.

    We’ll be voting for the Labour minority.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  12. Morningsider

    So - that's the Workplace Parking Levy, road user charging and the city centre transformation gone. Future LTNs are now dependent on "proper local community involvement in the plans". The Lib Dems were committed to "reviewing" the remaining SfP scehemes - so the days of the Comiston and Lanark road cycle lanes will be numbered.

    The Labour manifesto included a commitment to increase the active travel budget to 15% of the total transport budget and to "improve and extend a network of safe and protected cycle routes, filling current significant gaps". Although what this means when the Lib Dem manifesto did not include any financial commitment to cycling and only vague promises to "implement initiatives that make it more attractive to cycle" is unclear.

    I suppose a good deal depends on who gets the transport brief. We can only hope there is a Lesley the Third hidden in the Labour group.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  13. Stickman

    Classic LibDem tactics by not actually forming a coalition: means they avoid taking on any responsibility or accountability, allows them to continue to carp from the sidelines, and leaves them free to ignore their manifesto (local, Holyrood and Westminster) whenever there’s a possible short-term bit of opportunism.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  14. acsimpson

    The flip side however is that Labour are under no obligation to adopt the policies of either the long grass or just say no parties. If they wish to increase the active travel budget to 15% as promised then hopefully they will find sufficient support in the SNP and Green benches to do so.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  15. chdot

    “so the days of the Comiston and Lanark road cycle lanes will be numbered”

    “I suppose a good deal depends on who gets the transport brief. We can only hope there is a Lesley the Third hidden in the Labour group”

    Whatever happens, there will be a lot of discontent in all the party groups.

    No one will be getting what they want (IF Lab minority, with everyone else voting ‘issue by issue).

    No certainty it would be led by Cammy Day.

    Think it’s reasonable to assume that there are now more councillors ‘interested’ in walking & cycling, so all not ‘lost’


    Will need even more cooperation between individuals and groups (they seem to keep springing up…).

    And continue organising ‘flash mobs’ as required.

    No doubt there’s a secret cabal plotting this already.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  16. Stickman

    Looks like the Labour committee hasn’t actually approved this (yet):

    Which party’s executive committee have agreed which proposal? I am on Labours LGC and this proposal has not been agreed

    Posted 2 years ago #
  17. chdot

    **Correction** - Lab-LD deal agreed by Edin Labour councillors, but still needs ratified by @jackiebmsp 's sub-committee. Decision on that due at some point tomorrow I'd guess.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  18. CycleAlex

    A tweet from the Labour Cllr for Leith, RT'd by the Labour Cllr for Gorgie/Dalry:

    Ross seemed supportive of an SNP/Grn minority too, so perhaps not all plain sailing at Labour.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  19. chdot

    @ Rosie

    ”I'm furious as I thought we could finally get away from the constitutional issue for the local elections.“

    Quite -

    Labour's bid to take control of the Capital has sparked a major internal row after group leader Cammy Day agreed to give jobs to the Tories as part of the deal.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  20. chdot

    If only politics was just a game.

    This will run and run.

    Of course it’s (mostly) business as usual without politicians ‘in charge’…

    Posted 2 years ago #
  21. Morningsider

    We seek urgent clarification of Labour's intentions...

    What, is Angus Robertson really a maiden aunt from a Jane Austin novel?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  22. chdot

    New WL ‘cycling lead’

    Posted 2 years ago #
  23. chdot

  24. Stickman

    Looks like Labour’s wheeze is over before it even began:

    New Dalry/Gorgie Labour councillor endorsing this comment by local grandee Mark Lazarowicz:

    An arrangement like that which is suggested here would be unacceptable not just to many Labour councillors in Edinburgh, but to many rank and file Labour Party members in the city as well.

    What a shambles.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  25. chdot

    Good thread (as you’d expect)

    Posted 2 years ago #
  26. fimm

  27. Yodhrin

    So that's that then, squeaky-bum-time for Labour's councillors, up to them now if they want to take a chance on this "get the tories & libdems to let us in, then demand the SNP & greens vote for all our policies or we'll blame them for stuff not happening" wheeze or prefer constructive opposition.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  28. HankChief

    Motions for tomorrow are up...

    For Transport & Environment Committee we will get either

    Lesley & Chas as Co-covenors or

    Scott Arthur

    Posted 2 years ago #
  29. chdot

  30. Yodhrin

    "or Scott Arthur"

    Well, he's the perfect man to be transport convener in an administration subservient to Tory & Lib Dem ideas on the matter...

    Posted 2 years ago #

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