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Council elections 2022

(593 posts)
  • Started 3 years ago by Stickman
  • Latest reply from gembo
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  1. Frenchy

    Meanwhile, his potential colleague for Fountainbridge & Craiglockhart:

    Posted 3 years ago #
  2. Stickman

    He’s getting destroyed in the comments.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  3. chdot

    Until I read this comment, I assumed the candidate was from the ‘keep traffic moving’ fringe!

    but perhaps i shouldn't be surprised, from the organisation that can't tell the difference between a party and work

    So that’s today’s Twitter winner!

    Posted 3 years ago #
  4. Murun Buchstansangur

    None of the Lanark Rd cycle lane even lies in Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart - talk about an idée fixe

    Posted 3 years ago #
  5. boothym

    Given all the replies and QTs, he must be thinking that there's no such thing as bad publicity in order to get his name out there...

    Posted 3 years ago #
  6. Stickman

    @boothym: could be that! The candidate for Corstorphine/Murrayfield has started his campaign by complaining about SfP. Suspect this will be the main focus of the whole Tory campaign strategy.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  7. Stickman

    Candidate Cowdy has now locked his account. Expect a condemnation of the bullying cycling lobby next.

    A quick bit of Googling reveals that both Mr Cowdy and the Corstorphine candidate both attended Fettes, which will do wonders for the diversity on the council.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  8. neddie

    Tory EV lobbyist Neil Cuthbert keeps jumping onto threads solely about active travel to push his EV agenda

    Posted 3 years ago #
  9. Stickman

  10. Murun Buchstansangur

    Not a well made out political attack really - both the new wards they're standing in look a bit less safe than the ones they're departing tbh

    Posted 3 years ago #
  11. acsimpson

    Both of them are moving from wards where they were the 2nd and least popular conservative to be elected. Both were also the last candidate to be elected so with the current level of conservative popularity there is a very real chance of them loosing their seats if they don't move. Meanwhile the seats they are moving to both elected tories on the first round of counting in 2017.

    So although I can't see the wards they are moving from loosing both tories I don't think either of them could be considered safe if they didn't move.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  12. Murun Buchstansangur

    "Meanwhile the seats they are moving to both elected tories on the first round of counting in 2017."

    They did but Liberton-Gilmerton would be a tighter contest if the Tory vote drops and Labour balance their candidates properly (it was Labour 32% vs SNP 33% on first preferences last time, but because the Labour vote was so ridiculously unbalanced (24% to 7%), they never stood a chance of a 2nd seat.)

    The Tory Craigentinny-Duddingston seat does look safe. Iain Whyte getting outpolled in Inverleith last time out by his running mate probably smarted a bit :)

    Posted 3 years ago #
  13. crowriver

    Indeed, the pendulum is swinging back after a Tory surge at the last council election. Inverleith for example currently has two Conservative councillors, very unlikely to happen this year. A chance for the Greens in that ward potentially?

    Posted 3 years ago #
  14. Stickman

    I expect that, while there may be some changes at a ward level, overall we’ll end up roughly where we are at the moment.

    The question will be whether Labour will go into another formal coalition or just prop up the SNP as and when required.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  15. chdot

  16. neddie

    Does anyone know if there are any purdah rules that candidates must follow prior to council elections?

    For example, if we were to hold an event and invite all the ward candidates along so they can "show face", do publicity, leafletting or whatever, would there be any restrictions on this, or time limit before the election that would prevent candidates from attending?

    Posted 3 years ago #
  17. urchaidh

    As I understand it are no restrictions on candidates, they're free to promote themselves right up to the last minute.

    Purdah applies the use of council resources, facilities or public money in a way that would [be perceived to] benefit a candidate or party.

    Posted 3 years ago #
  18. chdot

  19. chdot

  20. Stickman

    Frank Ross re-selected as candidate for Corstorphine/Murrayfield:

    Also, Tory candidate for Craiglockhart/Fountainbridge complaining about bus lane enforcement:

    Posted 2 years ago #
  21. SRD

    not council elections, but interesting (do we need a GE 2024 thread?!)

    Labour and Lib Dems in informal ‘non-aggression’ pact ahead of next UK election

    Posted 2 years ago #
  22. Stickman

  23. SRD

    Liberton/Gilmerton: Lesley Macinnes and Martha Mattos Coelho
    Leith: Adam McVey
    Leith Walk: Amy McNeese-Mechan and Rob Munn
    Craigentinny/Duddingston: Shelly-Ann Brown and Danny Aston
    Portobello/Craigmillar: Kate Campbell & Simon Clark Shedden
    City Centre: Finlay McFarlane
    Pentland Hills: Neil Gardiner
    Corstorphine/Murrayfield: Frank Ross
    Almond: Norrie Work
    Colinton/Fairmilehead: Marco Biagi
    Drum Brae/Gyle: Euan Hyslop
    Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart: David Key
    Sighthill/Gorgie: Cathy Fullerton & Denis Dixon
    Inverleith: Victoria Nicolson
    Southside/Newington: Simita Kumar
    Forth: Carrie Gooch

    Posted 2 years ago #
  24. SRD

    Didn't see that coming! =>

    Colinton/Fairmilehead: Marco Biagi

    Can anyone explain why Morningside isn't on the list? does that mean that they're not running anyone there?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  25. chdot

    MB says

    If voters choose me I will put my knowledge and experience of Holyrood to use helping the people I represent. Recent wins like securing new powers over AirBnB show how important that can be for Edinburgh.”

    Don’t know how much that’s an issue in that ward (or how involved he was when an MSP).

    Basically he wants to be a politician. There are plenty worse candidates!

    Biagi began a PhD in political science at Yale University in the autumn of 2016, studying comparative politics.

    In 2020 he sought a return to elected politics and put himself forward for selection as the SNP's candidate for Edinburgh Central. Party members chose Angus Robertson as their candidate instead.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  26. Frenchy

    Can anyone explain why Morningside isn't on the list? does that mean that they're not running anyone there?

    Far more likely that there's just been a delay in announcing the candidate (maybe the selected candidate has withdrawn and they haven't chosen a new one, for example).

    Posted 2 years ago #
  27. Stickman

    Green and Lib Dem responses to questions from the Edinburgh Bus User Group. No response yet from SNP, Tories or Labour.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  28. Morningsider

    @chdot - regulation of short-term lets was really driven by Andy Wightman, who led on it for the Greens. The more right leaning sections of the SNP were against regulation, with Fergus Ewing being particularly vociferous in his criticism.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  29. Yodhrin

    LibDems seem to be going all in on the Local Streets For Local People approach of consultation-as-referendum. Were they always the party of "Maybe, in due course, with appropriate consideration, and in the proper manner, perhaps." and my younger self just didn't realise, or did the Coalition and indyref just boil their brains?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  30. acsimpson

    Yodhrin, I'm not sure if their operating mode has changed or if they have just started chasing the motorist vote. Either way I currently find them quite unpalatable.

    Posted 2 years ago #

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