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Dealing with Climate Change & Justice

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  • Started 3 years ago by chdot
  • Latest reply from chdot
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  1. chdot

  2. chdot

    Kate Forbes has insisted the Scottish Government has never been against the granting of new oil and gas licences in the North Sea.

    The Deputy First Minister, who was standing in for John Swinney at First Minister’s Questions, said that while the draft energy strategy includes a presumption against new drilling, it does allow further extraction that is consistent with their "climate obligations."

    Posted 4 months ago #
  3. chdot

    Yet those possessions are prizes from his unfashionable investments in the energy sector, where Křetínský has chased profits – rather than green credentials – by acquiring discounted fossil-fuel businesses as their previous owners race towards net zero.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  4. chdot

    Professor Roberts said the work also showed that deep-sea ecosystems are under high risk. Large-scale Atlantic Ocean circulation – called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation - has slowed down exceptionally over the last 150 years due to climate change. Findings also suggest that ocean warming, acidification, and decreased food supply could drastically alter the availability and location of suitable habitats for habitat-forming cold-water corals and commercially important deep-sea fish in the near future.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  5. chdot

    Fears for Green Deal as number of MEPs from climate-denying parties set to rise

    Posted 4 months ago #
  6. chdot

    Caroline Lucas, who is leaving Westminster after 14 years as Britain’s first Green party MP, is giving a speech tonight reflecting on the lessons she has learnt fighting for change.

    She is expected to argue that, over the past decade and a half, the national debate on the environment, and climate, has changed significantly. She is expected to say:

    Slowly at first, and then quite quickly, things changed.

    We went from an era where Cameron as prime minister could dare to dismiss environmental concerns as ‘green crap’, to an era where net zero is now a legally binding commitment and we managed to build a cross-party political consensus to such an extent that parliament came together to declare a climate emergency.

    And as depressing as it is to see the Tories now setting light to that consensus in their desperate lurch to the hard right, I don’t think we should underestimate just how much, collectively, over the last 14 years, we have in fact succeeded in changing the conversation.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  7. chdot

    Tobacco, alcohol, processed foods and fossil fuels ‘kill 2.7m a year in Europe’

    World Health Organization report calls on governments to impose tougher regulation of health-harming products

    Posted 4 months ago #
  8. chdot

    The Grab has the feeling of a revelation, though the reveal is not a conspiracy; the pattern is less a plan than a series of reactions, from a variety of actors, to the fact that every single human needs food and water, and there is not enough arable land on Earth for the projected increase of 2 billion people by 2050. The instinct, on a primal and national level, is to hoard.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  9. chdot

  10. neddie

    No irony there that the Olympics is a huge generator of travel, flying and carbon emissions

    Posted 4 months ago #
  11. Morningsider

    I see Scotland missed its 2022 climate change target (soon to be binned to prevent annual red faces), or as the Scottish Government would have it "Statistics on Scottish Greenhouse Gas Emissions published today."

    Emissions from domestic transport increased by 2.9% between 2021 and 2022, emissions from international shipping and aviation effectively doubled over that time. I would expect another increase in transport emissions between 2022 and 2023, as the Covid bounce back in travel has continued apace.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  12. chdot

    Friday, June 28
    Climate Hustings - Edinburgh

    A climate hustings in Augustine United Church, Edinburgh - come and ask candidates how they plan to tackle the climate emergency.

    By Friends of the Earth Scotland

    Posted 4 months ago #
  13. chdot

  14. ejstubbs

    "The council argued it had discretion to decide what the full impact of a project would be."

    Yeah, and King Canute had discretion to decide whether or not the tide would come in.

    (Before anyone jumps in to point out that Canute himself didn't believe that: I know. It's taken the Supreme Court to point out to Surrey County Council the ridiculousness of their position in this instance. At least they didn't have to get their feet wet before the message got home.)

    Posted 4 months ago #
  15. chdot

    The Conservatives’ former net zero tsar has revealed that he intends to vote Labour for the first time because Rishi Sunak has been “siding with climate deniers” to politicise the energy transition.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  16. chdot

    Climate activists bemoan scant progress on finance as Cop29 looms

    UN says finding funds to tackle climate crisis is ‘a steep mountain to climb’, as talks end with little agreement

    Posted 4 months ago #
  17. chdot

    The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, with one in six species in Britain at risk of extinction.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  18. chdot

  19. chdot

    Scientists warn of ‘scary’ feedback loop in which fires create more heating, which causes more fires worldwide

    Posted 4 months ago #
  20. neddie

    It's alright, carry on driving and flying everyone. Keep looking down and invest in an asbestos suit - it's the new hi-viz you know

    Posted 4 months ago #
  21. chdot

    “With every tenth of a degree of ocean warming, we get closer and closer to passing this tipping point, and each tenth of a degree is linked to the amount of climate change that takes place,” Bradley said. “So we need very dramatic action to restrict the amount of warming that takes place and prevent this tipping point from being passed.”

    The most important action is to cut the burning of fossil fuels to net zero by 2050.

    Bradley said: “Now we want to put [seawater intrusion] into ice sheet models and see whether that two-times sea level rise plays out when you analyse the whole of Antarctica.”

    Posted 4 months ago #
  22. chdot

    The UK managing director of Stellantis said the company did not want to shut operations in the UK but it would make a decision in “less than a year” in the face of unreasonable government sales quotas and lack of consumer incentives in relation to VAT on vehicles and electricity.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  23. neddie

    The motor industry coming straight to the government with its begging bowl. Hmmm. Where have we seen that before?

    If the customer did not see an “advantage” in buying an electric vehicle they would continue buying conventional petrol or diesel vehicles

    Aye, how about that "advantage" is that it is no longer possible to buy fossil-fuelled vehicles? Better still, time to shut this harmful industry down altogether

    Posted 4 months ago #
  24. acsimpson

    Surely the whole idea of quotas is to force the polluters into pricing structures that incentivise the correct choices.

    The market is still free to decide how to implement the incentives.

    What they are really worried about is that people will make an event better choice and not buy a new car.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  25. chdot

  26. chdot

    An international scheme to tax the wealth of the world’s 3,000 billionaires is technically feasible and could net up to $250bn (£197bn) a year in extra revenue, a new report says.

    A study by the French economist Gabriel Zucman concluded that progress in finding ways to tax multi-national corporations meant it was now possible to levy a global tax on individuals – even if not every country agreed to take part.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  27. chdot

    The new law should bring in policies to create a circular economy in Scotland where materials are used sustainably and fairly. However, it’s been criticised for its lack of ambition and focus on disposal rather than reduction and reuse of products, which can lead to greater social and environmental benefits.

    Friends of the Earth Scotland are campaigning for the circular economy bill to include a plan for the materials required in the transition away from fossil fuels, many of which are used in consumer electronics too.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  28. LaidBack

    We do have to consider the UK single market rule now where any recycling rules in Scotland must not impede the rest of the UK's businesses to trade and pollute without additional costs.

    Related 1...
    The bottle and can recycling scheme hit that wall as industry prefers cheaper breaking glass approach rather than collect and refill. Other reasons as well I know but odd that Wales were initially allowed to keep for their scheme. England/Uk still to set a date for their 'better' replacement scheme that ignores glass completely. One more thing Labour can sort?

    Related 2...
    GM food and crops not allowed here but apparently will be forced in according to Ferret article from a few weeks. Will dig out link.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  29. chdot

    The seeds of Finch’s campaigning were sown in the 1980s, when her first job was in the Campaign for Lead Free Air, helping to overcome public suspicion of lead-free motor fuels. “That was a great experience,” she says. “We used to have quarterly meetings with the departments of transport, health and environment, representatives of the oil companies, representatives of the motor manufacturers. I got to see how decisions are made.”

    Posted 4 months ago #
  30. chdot

    The head of BP has imposed a hiring freeze and halted new offshore wind projects, in an apparent attempt to placate investors who are unhappy with the oil company’s green targets.

    Posted 4 months ago #

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