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Dealing with Climate Change & Justice

(1479 posts)
  • Started 2 years ago by chdot
  • Latest reply from chdot
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  1. chdot

    A Scottish university’s cleantech project could help close 100,000 gas-leaking wells over the next decade by transforming rocks into permanent seals

    Posted 1 week ago #
  2. chdot

  3. chdot

    Strange omission for the Green Industrial Strategy to not prioritise transport given it's the largest source of climate emissions. Perhaps if @scotgov took greater care in supporting existing Scottish bus manufacturing capacity, @ADLbus wouldn't be considering severe job cuts.

    Posted 6 days ago #
  4. chdot

    The signal sent by Petroineos’ decision to shut Scotland’s only oil refinery risks putting off private investment crucial to net zero ambitions.

    Posted 5 days ago #
  5. chdot

    Romania’s president, Klaus Iohannis, said: “We are again facing the effects of climate change, which are increasingly present on the European continent, with dramatic consequences.”

    Posted 3 days ago #
  6. chdot

    There’s something in the air’: UK airport expansion gears up for takeoff

    Lobbyists are increasingly confident about expansion plans as concerns for the economy start to deepen

    Posted 3 days ago #
  7. LaidBack

    Miraculously airport expansion can be done whilst meeting net zero targets?! Labour luckily doesn't have any qualms about this as is foremost a party of business in its new guise. SNP probably same as Edinburgh with its one runway but expanded terminals and multi storey car parks is not discouraged.

    Meanwhile we will expect GB Energy in Aberdeen to generate more flights until the HQ is located further south as always happens. High speed electric rail north in Scotland not likely till later this century if ever. Normally a net zero operation would have had some public infrastructure advantage but not now. PM likes flying in the Global Britain liveried Airbus 330 on his visits north of London. We live in a world shaped by rich charlatans.

    Posted 2 days ago #
  8. chdot

    We lost on Brexit, and now there are borders, and we grieve that. But that is as nothing compared to losing on climate.” Knowles is “not mindlessly optimistic. But if you look at climate change, we’ve got huge fights ahead of us, but we do have all the solutions we need to address climate change. It’s just a battle of political will.”

    Posted 2 days ago #
  9. chdot

    The Scottish Government has spent £16 million in less than four years on design and assessment for work on a beleaguered stretch of road.

    The Rest and Be Thankful on the A83 in Argyll and Bute has been blighted by landslips in recent years, forcing ministers to explore long and medium-term fixes.

    Posted 2 days ago #

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