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  1. amir

  2. steveo

    Seen a lot of this on a pentlands facebook page. Mostly fisher folk complaining they can't access the reservoir but pay to fish there.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. gembo

    Has become too good a thing, drive for half an hour in a single occupant vehicle to swim for ten mins. great for mental health, but why not cycle up?

    Bad to ban parking and not construct the car park. south Lanarkshire rebuilt Tinto Hill car park during lockdown to Release The Pressure.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  4. fimm

    I do wonder if this is just going to move the parking problem somewhere else.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  5. Murun Buchstansangur

    Noticed yesterday that the parking spaces on the Mauldslie/east side of the reservoir (which may be a co-opted passing place anyway) are blocked off with planters.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  6. gembo

    Lockdown must really have messed with the solitude of the folks living out at Gladhouse.

    As with most of life it gets quieter the further round you go

    Posted 2 years ago #
  7. edinburgh87

    Signage was being installed yesterday morning when I passed.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  8. fimm

    If all it is going to be is some signs, people will just ignore them. And who is going to do any enforcing out there, given that you can't stop people parking illegally in the middle of Edinburgh?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  9. edinburgh87

    Quite, but apart from bollards / barriers (possible issues with making road too narrow / emergency or agricultural access, plus cost) its hard to see what else they could do. Suspect it’ll be initially enforced by Midlothian Council, but for how long will be interesting. They are fairly active policing parking in the local towns so you never know.. probably one example where a (paid for) car park might be the lesser evil.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  10. amir

    I passed today and saw the clearway signs. The parking restrictions don't cover the whole length. Shortly before the north west corner of the reserviour to the junction by Toxside is free.

    A road cleaner was attempting to clean the road edges - bit too muddy in parts. Perhaps they are going to paint yellow lines soon.

    The only people on the water this morning were fishermen. There were also a lot in hi viz in the anglers' car park.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  11. edinburgh87

    It was, unsurprisingly rammed tonight. Wouldn’t be surprised if there was either a water safety incident or a fire soon given the amount of camping / swimming going on and dry conditions. Police were there in a 4x4 at one point, I think in a supervisory capacity. It was reminiscent of riding though some of the more popular bits of the pentlands in terms of traffic. Definitely prefer it in winter!

    Posted 2 years ago #
  12. gembo

    Saturday morning the first bit of the roads had maybe 30 cars all parked in a line Some sort of Paddleboard championship or we are all just sheep.

    I preferred it pre. Covid when there was no one there I bet the locals do too as their idyll has been ruined.

    Good that people get out to exercise, bad that they do so by all driving to the same place.

    Good point about Pentlands. i have a plan to finally find the grave stone of Simon Lockhart. In the Pentlands out at Crosswood Reservoir. I won’t see anyone else when I do this but Harlaw, Flotterstone and Thriepmuir all rammed. At least they have carparks. Gladhouse is just a road.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  13. edinburgh87

    It’s a tricky one. Car park probably the “least bad” option (although where would it go? On the site of the old village hall?), absent any massive uptake in cycling there, with charges designed to deter long stays. Hopefully council run so the money goes back into local roads etc. That and some sort of education / awareness drive to encourage people to enter/leave via the B6372 rather than the back road after Temple and Yorkston. Can be a bit narrow that way.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  14. Murun Buchstansangur

    Thought there were parking restrictions on this road now? Of course “law without enforcement is just good advice”

    Posted 2 years ago #
  15. Murun Buchstansangur

  16. edinburgh87

    @mb - there are but doesn’t seem to be much adhered to

    Posted 2 years ago #
  17. gembo

    Does look to be near the old asbestos looking ruined hut. Was that the village hall?

    Wiki says fka Moorfoot Loch though the Esk was flooded in 1879 to create the reservoir for Edinburghers to drink?

    So we drink Glencorse, Talla, Fruid and Megget. Any others?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  18. edinburgh87

    Edgelaw, Rosebery too (downstream of Gladhouse).

    I’ve always thought that’s what that building was, but can’t remember where I got it from. The house at the T junction was the former school for the area too AIUI

    Posted 2 years ago #
  19. amir

    Someone has been dismantling the lovely iron railings along the road at the east end. It's not clear why atm

    Posted 1 year ago #
  20. Frenchy

    Noticed that on Friday. Initially assumed it was vandalism, but would have needed fairly determined vandals to dismantle the fairly extensive length that's been dismantled.

    Posted 1 year ago #

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