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Scott Arthur Latest

(1412 posts)
  • Started 2 years ago by chdot
  • Latest reply from chdot
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  1. Dave

    If anyone thought Scott Arthur would sink into a quiet but well deserved obscurity...

    Posted 1 month ago #
  2. chdot

    We are getting Edinburgh back on track.

    With video about road resurfacing

    Posted 1 month ago #
  3. chdot

    Following the recent flooding which resulted in the closure of the bypass, I am pleased that the Scottish Government is now taking steps to address the issue.

    Many thanks to @FoysolChoudhury for raising this issue in the Scottish Parliament.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  4. chdot

    £100 to Edinburgh's Women’s Aid says it won't be @cllr_jenkinson .

    To be honest, it would be worth it just to see him riding a bike at photo calls.

    7:48 PM · Jul 31, 2024 · 185 Views

    Posted 1 month ago #
  5. neddie

    What’s the context of this, for those that can’t read twitter threads?

    Posted 1 month ago #
  6. Frenchy

    Context, briefly:

    Michal Macleod (runs Edinburgh Minute) wonders who's taking over as Transport & Environment Convener.
    Donald Turvill (also a journalist) says he's asked and heard nothing.
    Sasha Taylor (Bike Station CEO) suggests Cllr Jenkinson is likely choice.
    Scott Arthur says he thinks that's unlikely.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  7. chdot

    Listening to local residents: At the next Transport & Environment Committee I hope we can agree to start design work on converting the Polwarth Roundabout into a signalised junction.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  8. chdot

    I am not convinced that giving Private Hire Cars access to Princes Street won't impact on bus journey times.

    We need to protect bus access to Princes Street, but also have a duty ensure services can stick to timetables.

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  9. chdot

    Cllr @DrScottArthurMP confirms it's his last Cttee

    He's been an excellent - consensual - chair

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  10. Dave

    What exactly is it that a politician has to achieve to be described as "excellent"? Isn't this like saying that Sunak was excellent because he stalled climate action and reached for consensus with deniers?

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  11. LaidBack

    He's popular with some as part of the 'change' party of course. I did like his Polwarth roundabout upgrade 'agreement'. Though the work on this done by Merchiston CC and ££££s wasted doing the wrong thing first when he was in charge?!.
    Some think we are in a beyond politics phase and SA likes the selfie approach which has made him famous (like a former FM although
    SA usually solo).
    His move to Westminster will make him less visible maybe? Ian Murray was a massive presence due to being a unique solo Labour Scottish MP. Now they have lots of MPs he will just be one of many unless he decides to speak up on the two child benefit cap, removal of heating allowances or Gaza. The last one being the most dangerous as KS wants that not discussed freely.
    Environmental aims have to go hand in hand with business growth for SSE and Iberdrola SP Energy etc.

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  12. Stickman

    I thought he was in the pay of the cycle lobby/Spokes/Sustrans?

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  13. chdot

    Employment and earnings

    Seems to have not declared latter

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  14. chdot

    It was great to start my day by giving a reading (1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14) at Buckstone's @buckstonechurch, in part to mark my transition from being the local Councillor to the MP for Edinburgh South West.

    I was a regular attendee at the church many years ago, so it was great to see some familiar faces and make new friends.

    In the picture with me is Michael Johns-Perring (the "Priest in Charge"), and one of his daughters.

    The church is actually in @IanMurrayMP's Edinburgh South, and he will be visiting in October to learn more about their Net Zero plans.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  15. neddie

    Cllr Arthur’s successor as Convenor will be named by the Labour administration at the next Full Council meeting this Thursday 29th

    Posted 1 week ago #
  16. bakky

  17. Stickman

  18. chdot

    Councillor Jenkinson is always happy to meet constituents to discuss any individual issues or concerns.

    Posted 1 week ago #
  19. neddie

    From 2022:

    Name – Stephen Jenkinson
    Party – Labour
    Ward – Pentland Hills

    I am married with two teenage children and have lived and worked in Edinburgh all my life. I am an IT specialist and I have worked in financial services for 28 years. I am a committed trade unionist and I have played a key role in organising in my workplace over many years.

    My key issues: There are five key issues I am campaigning on in Pentland Hills:

    - Improving public transport ensuring it is a suitable alternative to car usage.
    - Ensuring all children in the ward have safe walking and cycling routes to and from school.
    - Getting the basics right. Focussing on fly-tipping, littering, dog-fouling weeds and graffiti.
    - Supporting local businesses, charities and community organisations to recover from COVID.
    - Improving roads and footpaths with a ‘fix it right, first time’ approach to pot holes.

    my bold

    "the potholes" hmmm

    Posted 1 week ago #
  20. neddie

    “I do believe in consensus - I think it’s really important the committee works together and we agree where we agree and, where we don’t agree, disagree agreeably. I’d like to think over the past couple of years, since getting elected, I’ve got a good working relationship with councillors across all parties and I’d like to take that into the convener’s role.”

    Posted 1 week ago #
  21. Dave

    It will be interesting to see whether the council gets more progressive, remains under the shadow of Scott Arthur, or becomes even worse! Anyone's guess at this point?

    Posted 1 week ago #
  22. Arellcat

  23. Morningsider

    Good luck to Cllr Jenkinson - he is taking on one of the most thankless jobs in Scottish politics.

    I suspect we are now too far into this Council session for much to change. The City Mobility Plan is in place, everyone will continue to pretend a new tram line will be built, cycle schemes 10 years in the planning will grind on (or not), the George Street scheme will teeter on the edge for the foreseeable future, the circulation plan will die a death of a thousand transport models and we will keep cycling in the face of it all.

    Posted 1 week ago #
  24. chdot

    “and we will keep cycling in the face of it all”


    There is some optimism…

    Posted 1 week ago #
  25. chdot

    Transport convener Scott Arthur said: “I’d like to offer my sincere condolences to the family of Mr Bridges. These units in Corstorphine High Street were installed in 2020, before I became convener in 2022, and are in a conservation area.

    “I was not aware of the history when I became convener, but I did try to have the committee review the visibility of lane defenders at the first meeting I chaired. This was mainly based on an accident in my ward where an elderly gentleman suffered a significant fall. Unfortunately, I did not have sufficient support at the committee for my proposal to proceed.“

    Posted 1 week ago #
  26. Morningsider

    @chdot - I reckon every Scottish cyclist is an optimist at heart.

    As for the lane defenders - there is the small matter of each one having a meter high luminous pole sticking out of them and more contrast between the base and road surface than the thousands of miles of kerbstones in Scotland.

    Posted 1 week ago #
  27. chdot

    I can think of no better reward for

    "Edinburgh's transport convener Scott Arthur, who is stepping down after being elected an MP, looks set to be replaced by the man who helped get him elected."

    Posted 1 week ago #
  28. chdot

    “I reckon every Scottish cyclist is an optimist at heart“

    I think that is largely true.

    The problem is ‘we’ seem to be increasingly in a place where optimism may seem to be unjustified…

    Posted 1 week ago #
  29. neddie

    As for the lane defenders...

    Never forget they are only there because of cars, and because we've allowed cars to dominate every aspect of city life.

    A huge fuss is rightly made when someone dies from tripping, but how we quietly forget that in the same period many more people, including kids, have been killed by drivers and cars... to which everyone just goes "meh, accident, carry on doing the same thing..."

    Posted 1 week ago #
  30. chdot

    Great work from @TransformScot
    - The Scottish Government pausing its promised investment in bus priority measures is hugely damaging to Edinburgh's plans to cut congestion and meet its climate obligations.

    Of course this is primarily SG bashing by SA, but it’s justified.


    A review of the Scottish Government’s performance on its sustainable transport commitments

    Posted 4 days ago #

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