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Critical Mass

(23 posts)

  1. Danny_cycle

    2pm Middle Meadow Walk, usual city centre route with some fringe variations!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. chdot

    Organisers of Critical Mass shot the film to show what it’s like for cyclists in Edinburgh faced with widespread potholes, dangerous junctions and cycle paths that turn sharply or end abruptly.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. neddie

    "controversy" <false narrative>

    "helmets" <false narrative>

    And the video is (presumably delibrately) not included in the article, because, you know, we don't want to give tooooo much publicity to it...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. chdot

  5. Rosie

    The Evening News article did include the video. And of course a grudging paragraph:-

    "Previous mass rides have caused controversy as the group has blocked off main roads in the city with hundreds of bicycles, and other people-powered machines in a bid to ‘reclaim’ spaces for cyclists and fight for safer conditions on the roads."

    A more positive and very good song and video by Dan Abrahams of Critical Mass. The Reporter is on the side of the angels with its cycling coverage.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. chdot

  7. chdot

    Excited for the ride down to Portobello this weekend! Join us for a fun ride down to the seaside to demand better cycling infrastructure!

    Start at Middle Meadow Walk at 2pm. Pause for a break at the Porty prom, then back to the centre!

    Posted 11 months ago #
  8. chdot

    This is the route tomorrow - see you 2pm at Middle Meadow Walk!

    Superhero costumes encouraged but totally optional!


    People are holding coordinated protests across UK towns and cities this weekend against what they call a “climate of fear” on the roads, and an “epidemic” of careless and dangerous driving that is curbing children’s freedoms and putting lives at risk. )

    Posted 10 months ago #
  9. chdot

    There's currently a consultation about removing motor vehicle through-traffic in Holyrood Park.

    We want the park to be truly inclusive with access for all, including those who can’t afford a car. So this months ride will go to Holyrood to show our support for @carfreeholyrood !

    Because riding without bike lanes is very scary...join #CriticalMass #Edinburgh this Saturday 28th October! Meet at Middle Meadow Walk at 2pm. #SaferCycleLanes #LetsRideTogether #Halloween

    Posted 9 months ago #
  10. chdot

    This month we'll ride close to the Braid, where councillors recently voted to remove modal filters, just days after the tragic death of a young boy cycling to School in Cramond.

    Everyone is welcome on our big, fun, community ride, Saturday March 30th, 2pm at Middle Meadow Walk.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  11. chdot


    Posted 3 months ago #
  12. gembo

    Spotted @Arobcomp heading into town. He was heading out the way, heavily ladened. Then @Kim, @Mcariney and @neddie (on tunes but claiming not to know the Crusher)
    At CM?

    Maybe 500 at CM which was standin in for PoP this year?.

    Nice vibe, had some words with a moped driver,trying to ram me. But nothing untoward.

    On way home bumped into @iwrats and @Greenroofer very kindly waiting for me on The Aqueduct.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  13. jdanielp

    Sounds big (for a CM at least, not so much for a PoP)! Would've been there, but I'm away just now.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  14. mcairney

    My brakes were comically, obnoxiously, insanely noisy too. At one point we had the CM boom box, the drums of the Palestine march and you could hear the squeal of my disc brakes over it all. Maybe 4 years for a pair of rotors is taking the 'Dura' in 'Dura Ace' a bit too far?

    Got home, installed a new set of pads and rotors and the good news is that I can now stop on a dime in complete silence, the bad news is that my front brake is now rubbing slightly and my usual 'trick' of loosen off the bolts while applying the brakes to realign them hasn't quite done the job. Might be a job for the bike shop when I get back from holiday...

    Posted 3 months ago #
  15. neddie

    @gembo Is it because I was longer than 3 metres?

    Posted 3 months ago #
  16. gembo

    @neddie ah, now you are remembering.

    Novas sing The Crusher about the wrestler Reginald Lisowski. Innit,

    Which I am listening to now

    Posted 3 months ago #
  17. Greenroofer

    @Greenroofer very kindly waiting for me on The Aqueduct.

    The sequence of events was that I was coming from the west and had stopped shortly after joining The Aqueduct to allow a person pushing a bike (nice, electric) to pass. Just as I was about to get going again another bicycle + rider appeared round the corner at the east end. I thought I might as well wait for them too. As they got closer it became clear it was @gembo, so I was able to make 'hurry up' gestures.

    As @gembo noted, @bill will be pleased to hear that I was head to toe in Galibier kit (I'd havered about whether it was too warm for a Mistral top and Mistral longs, but it wasn't).

    Posted 3 months ago #
  18. neddie


    2pm at the Meadows compass.

    Heading out to Saughton park and back

    Posted 2 months ago #
  19. gembo

    Saw you from the 44 very brave to cone that far west

    Posted 2 months ago #
  20. neddie

    I was between 2 and 3 metres this time. Do I get gemboapproval now?

    Posted 2 months ago #
  21. gembo

    Granted, very short and narrow

    Posted 2 months ago #
  22. gembo

    Neddie’s instruction of circle shape with hands didn’t help when I arrived late and found the Mass had been prompt this month, I failed to find them.

    Had good cycle home wearing a stetson and saying howdy and doing my Elvis impersonation cheering up the grumpy burghers of Edinburgh.

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  23. bakky

    @gembo had that before - fortunately these days there’s usually someone on the ride using Critical Maps - worth a download to the auld portable ringing computer in order to be able to find ‘em (or any other mass ride) in future!

    Posted 3 weeks ago #

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