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Spokes Public Meeting – in person 23 Sept 7:30

(10 posts)

  1. Rosie


    Friday 23 September at 7.30
    Doors open 6:45 for tea and coffee
    Spokes stall selling maps, buffs etc plus information
    Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge EH1 1EL

    Spokes are holding their first in person meeting since the end of the pandemic.

    The Transport Convener Cllr Scott Arthur will speak at this and answer questions from the floor. It is hoped he will speak about the transport policies of the new administration, and of course in particular, active travel.

    Cllr Arthur has set out that he seeks to implement the policies outlined in the Labour manifesto published in March ahead of the Local Government election.

    But the other parties will also have to work alongside the minority administration.

    Cllr Arthur’s top personal motivations include the NetZero2030 policy, a reduction in car miles by 30% by 2030, cleaning the whole city and the wellbeing of council staff.

    After a presentation by the Transport Convener, there will be a Q&A chaired by Kirsty Lewin of Spokes Porty.

    The meeting will be live streamed and recorded if possible.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. Rosie

    Bumping this. Now your chance to confront Cllr Scott A.

    Friday 23 September at 7.30 pm
    Doors open 6:45pm for tea and coffee

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. Rosie

    Edinburgh Climate Fringe Festival

    As part of this year’s Climate Fringe Festival, Lothian cycling campaign group, Spokes, will host their first in-person meeting in two years to discuss ways the council can best address needs of city bicycle users and deliver on Active Travel policies.

    Transport convener Scott Arthur is to attend the event on Friday (September 23) where he will be quizzed on Edinburgh Labour manifesto promises and asked to detail the council’s plans to deliver a series of strategies that will help reduce CO2 emissions in the Capital as well as make cycling safer across Edinburgh.

    The event, which will be streamed online, will take place at Augustine United Church on George IV Bridge between 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Guests will be able to arrive from 6.45pm and are encouraged to email questions for Councillor Arthur to the Spokes panel in advance via email using

    Spokes member Ian Maxwell said: “Labour had some good commitments in their manifesto so the idea is to find out how councillor Arthur is going to make that work. There’s a difference between making a commitment and actually making something happen.

    “The cyclists at the meeting will definitely want to find out how long it’s going to take before these changes actually come into place. We want them to carry out the policies they have suggested but if they’re not being carried out properly we will comment. That’s the approach Spokes has always taken as a critical friend.”

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. chdot


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    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. Yodhrin

    I'll be honest I couldn't get through that. He's a man who's very keen to listen to you, but rarely seems to hear what you have to say, a real master of the Campbellian arts.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. Dave

    I couldn't bring myself to attend/watch/listen, figuring that if anything significant was actually committed to it would appear here (or on Twitter...)

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. chdot

  8. boothym

    Caught the last half hour, think it's been cut off near the end but I found it funny that not long after Cllr Arthur requested someone get in touch or contact their local councillors about bike parking - he answered a question about creating LTNs by saying how people in deprived areas are generally less engaged and less likely to write in to ask for things...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. chdot

    Less likely to ask for bike hangers too.

    Partly because they are less likely to know what they are OR that CEC wants suggestions for new locations.

    Additionally not sure if CEC is quite ready to put them ‘low demand’ areas, because, in part, people have had bikes stolen or expect they would be - so don’t have bikes.

    If SG/TS/CEC is serious about ‘getting more people cycling’ this is one easy to overlook problem/opportunity.

    See areas already with Hangars

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. neddie

    he answered a question about creating LTNs by saying how people in deprived areas are generally less engaged and less likely to write in to ask for things

    IIRC, he first said that LTNs should be taken to the areas "that ask for them", citing the East Craigs debacle. However, it tends to be the affluent areas that have the time and the energy to campaign for LTNs, whereas the deprived areas, through no fault of their own, do not.

    He later contradicted himself by agreeing with the questioner that the deprived areas should receive the infrastructure first (including LTNs) as they are less likely and less able to ask for improvements and it becomes an equality issue.

    Posted 1 year ago #

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