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PoP: “Save The Date – Saturday 22 April 2023”

(18 posts)

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  1. chdot

  2. boothym

    Couple of feeder rides from the east (Leith and Portobello), any from the west this year? Think I remember seeing one from the Gyle on the website's map last time.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. ARobComp

    Hi all. Hope to see you all there this Saturday! 1pm @ chambers street.

    Once again meadows start has been scuppered by North bridge most likely not being reopened, but we'll see.

    As ever we want this protest to be closed roads so there is a negotiation here which means a chambers street start.

    With regards to getting to the start I was wondering if anyone has any info on potterrow port underpass. From memory this was a shared use route but apparently now there is red roundels saying no cycling (according to the council). Anyone got any memories of this?

    I am still in need of Marshals if you are willing to get involved. Please pop your name in this form:

    Feeder rides can be found here
    Quite a few from west Edinburgh plus a new one from Royal Infirmary if you know anyone who lives that side of town.

    And plenty of flyers for you to share around at bike shops around Edinburgh.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. neddie

    I don't get it? Why do the authorities think that a Chambers St start will be less disruptive to motorised traffic? - that's the diversion route for North Bridge northbound, and we're going to block it.

    Or are they going to attempt to kettle us all to one side on Chambers St, and have roaring angry motors pass our children within inches?

    Surely better* to start on the Meadows and only temporarily block the junction at Chambers St?

    *For motors

    And isn't the whole point to "take back the streets"?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. chdot

    @ neddie


    Didn’t realise *that* was reason for Chambers start last year.

    Odd then, odd now.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. chdot

    “but apparently now there is red roundels”

    Seems unlikely as would be illegal.

    Used to be, ages ago.

    Ok for small number of bikes, but not ideal.

    Can be quite a few pedestrians.

    Ends in ‘cobbles’.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. chdot

  8. boothym

    With regards to getting to the start I was wondering if anyone has any info on potterrow port underpass. From memory this was a shared use route but apparently now there is red roundels saying no cycling (according to the council). Anyone got any memories of this?
    There's been a red roundel either side of the underpass for 10-15 years according to Street View. It is all an adopted footway so no cycling.

    Looks like there's a few more feeders, including from the west which is good.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. ARobComp

    Yes the chambers street start is a bone of contention with the council. The issue is about there being a Northbound route open to buses which is going to be George IVth bridge->the mound. They wouldn't agree a closed road route otherwise.

    The core premise of POP is that it's a family friendly event with closed roads, people wouldn't bring kids on balance bikes (yet) to something without the infrastructure being designated. The council are aware that we can do what we want but it's a much bigger challenge to proactively close these roads ourself for something this big without the risk of someone getting themselves arrested.

    We will be closing fully Chambers street, Royal Mile, Horse Wynd. But the George IVth bridge will only be closed southbound to allow us access to the Royal Mile.

    Agree the quiet route via George square not ideal but we've got it there as some people want to go that way. We'll have marshals guiding people in groups to Forest road and I'm pushing to have the southbound George Ivth bridge closed earlier so that we can have a clear right turn into Chambers street.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. Murun Buchstansangur

    Powerful stuff

    “We, her parents, feel compelled to push Scotland ahead, to make roads safer for everyone. It seems that society has accepted death and serious injury as a cost of getting from point A to B? We don’t accept that. Had Emma lived, she would have made safer travel her life’s work. Since she has not, we are taking on the mantle. It will help us of our grief, to ensure that her death was not in vain.

    Although we are still in mourning, we have decided to support Pedal on Parliament as our first political action. We are demanding “No Backpedalling.” Scotland has great plans and the budget for active travel. Now it must deliver, without stalling. Given that the country is a decade or more behind, there is no time to lose – only more lives to be lost. We hope you will join us in this endeavour.”

    Posted 1 year ago #
  11. ARobComp

    Was covered on STV at 9pm tonight. See you all Saturday, Thanks to those getting involved with Marshaling etc.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  12. ARobComp

    Another piece of reporting on it. BBC last night - my error. STV tonight.

    re: Potterrow port - not a red cycling roundel in sight this evening when I made my recce.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  13. chdot

    7 feeder rides


    NO LONGER includes one from Queensferry

    Posted 1 year ago #
  14. chdot

    Scotland's annual Pedal on Parliament can galvanise support for better facilities for cyclists – Angus Robertson

    Posted 1 year ago #
  15. chdot

    Looks like the magic of PoP has worked again.

    The rain ‘forecast’ for most of the week seems to be staying away.

    Likely to be cool though

    Posted 1 year ago #
  16. LaidBack

    Went smoothly... report and pictures here for those that didn't make it.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  17. chdot

    Adam Otterson, 23, from Bishopbriggs, was attending his first Pedal on Parliament.

    He said: “The main push for me to do this was seeing Emma’s white bike.

    “I ride past there all the time and realised it could be me. I’m here to highlight safety for cyclists and meet other like-minded people.”

    David Brennan, 49, from Torrance, helped organise the first PoP event in 2012.

    He said: “The roads didn’t feel safe and there was little investment from the government for infrastructure and it wasn’t taken seriously.

    “There was a similar event in London, and we wanted to do something here.

    “Eleven years later things have improved but there are still problems. Some local authorities are still not investing.”

    Posted 1 year ago #
  18. ARobComp

    Thanks all for coming and for photos and support on the twitters etc. Very pleased that once again things went well and people seemed to genuinely enjoy it despite it being bloody freezing.

    Posted 1 year ago #

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