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PY July 23

(15 posts)

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  1. chdot


    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. jdanielp

    Just spoke to Susie at Espresso Green on the plaza by Boroughmuir High School in passing - she typically only opens up at 9 am and somewhat weather dependent, but she said to send a message and if there is demand from us then she would open up earlier. Do we have demand for the 28th?

    (Bring your own cup for 20p off!)

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. neddie

    She, or one of her staff, also have a habit of parking on the towpath / pavement / square / public realm

    So that’s not a business I can support, unless proven otherwise

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. gembo

    The green van is set back from the towpath but obviously the van is in the public realm? Sometimes is left there other times must be towed in. Always assumed they paid someone for the pitch? No seats? The other business a few hundred metres east the barge had bad press a while back.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. neddie

    Not the green caravan itself that's the problem, it's the owner's (or staff member's) car that's parked next to it - free parking all day everyday, just for them. It also encourages others to do the same. Sometimes there are 3 or 4 cars there

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. gembo

    Ah yes sometimes the car remains but sometimes it isn’t there just the van, had Dr bike at it a few weeks back.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. jdanielp

    Yeah, encouraging bad parking there is not ideal, although I haven't seen a vehicle there as much recently, which I suspect is to do with the green caravan seemingly having been left in position for a while now rather than dropped off and collected every day. Just an idea.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. jdanielp

    There been a couple of folding tables and some seats in front of the caravan recently, plus there are benches and other places to sit nearby, so it could be a feasible alternative to the barge, but that is only if people are happy to give it a try though...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. gembo

    Van shut when I went past this morning and again this afternoon

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. jdanielp

    Yeah, I noticed that this morning at a little after 9 am.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  11. gembo

    Was opened today. Chairs. Dog. Friendly owner BUT big white van parked at the bike racks

    Posted 1 year ago #
  12. gembo

    The coffee shop bit was there tonight.

    Basically no need for the white van today in terms of running the shop.

    Owner could have scooted in in a scooter or whatever.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  13. jdanielp

    No sign of it this morning at all. Given the lack of enthusiasm I am not planning on making contact to ask about tomorrow, even though the weather forecast is actually looking quite promising.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  14. Morningsider

    So, PY at the usual time then?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  15. chdot

    For the uninitiated/forgetful -

    PY = Peter’s Yard

    PY is deceased

    Long live Soderberg (MMW branch)

    MMW = Middle Meadow Walk

    “PY” is a CCE institution (perhaps the only one)

    PY is a most months gathering of anyone who wants to turn up

    If you haven’t been before you ARE welcome - but understandably it may be off-putting to enter the unknown

    By now most people who turn up tend to recognise each other from previous PYs or some interaction in what passes for the real world

    Unless you turn up very early you can’t mistake the PY CCEers

    They hog the massive middle table

    Early used to be 7:30

    Since Covid/WFH ‘early’ seems to be about 8:15

    Late sometime after 9:30

    How to get there -,-3.191671/PY/

    Posted 1 year ago #

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