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Friends of the Union Canal online, not real friend, can’t be friend with a canal

(28 posts)

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  1. gembo

    Like I am one but trying to be civil with some of their posters who want cyclists to dismount at bridges.

    This is in the Scottish Canal advice, which some describe as rules. but so is dismount at blind bends and roads.

    Slow down ring bell all there too

    As is portaging canoeists.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. chrisfl

    Interesting a similar-sounding post today on Friends of Harrison Park, bringing out the very worst in the few that have choosen to comment.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. jdanielp

    With 'friends' like these, who put the 'anal' into Scottish Canal advice, who needs enemies?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. gembo

    I have been reasonable but they are getting worse

    Shame I shall probably leave.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. chrisfl

    Those local groups might have redeemed themselves, someone is asking on the Slateford Share group about where to Park near the Usher Hall, for a new 9-5 job.

    100% of the answers are telling them to cycle or get the bus.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. gembo

    Just resisted winding up my local one. The gas board digging up the main road. The side roads closed. No way out. No alternative. Plus the original poster asking what causes traffic? Fortunately for me the WOL Path is tarmac all the way now. But can’t drive on that path

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. jdanielp

    I spotted someone who seemed to have tried to make friends with the canal on Monday evening. They and their bike were very wet, and they were in the process of collecting things scattered on the towpath and the verge between it and the canal more or less opposite the garden with the fake deer, jacuzzi etc. I asked if they were ok in passing and they replied to say that they were.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. gembo

    Young lad came past me and friendlynchap on squeaky bike from Colinton who was just behind me on the aqueduct. Colinton Friendly said the young lad who hadn’t really slowed at all was mm. Away from trying to make friends with the canal.

    You can’t make friends with the canal that way you have to join a myopic Facebook group and say you class all cyclists as the same to make friends with the canal.

    Just ask the Kingsnowe Rat.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. Moose

    I drive on her streets 'cause she's my companion...

    Last week Im met an odd couple of guys out walking (in '70s PE gear). One friendly. The other overly concerned that I should be thinking of cycling over the aquaduct. When another cyclist came and said the signs weren't rules, and then I proceeded to cycle over it, he went from zero to begbie in a matter of seconds. Turned the air blue he did.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. gembo

    I hope the young guy would have stopped if we were pushing.

    We were leaning into the railings just after a paprpet. The rules make it harder for people to pass and really exist to prevent any swimmers from complaining, but try telling 70s PE a duo, have seen them often.

    The aqueduct has full range of humanity on it,

    Posted 1 year ago #
  11. jdanielp

    I saw someone slaloming along the metal mooring points at the edge of the canal basin by BikeTrax recently and was quite amazed that they managed to stay dry...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  12. Moose

    @gembo. The moustached (non ironic) one was shouting about cycle-bikes. Language blue as the signage. A cycle-path to avoid.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  13. gembo

    Some comments I have had in 15 years of Canal Towpath

    Do you not have a bell (I had been ringing it for ages )

    Stop ringing that bell at me (a bell is used to alert a peds of your imminent presence not telling them to get out the way that is their fall)

    Thank you for ringing your bell

    This is not a cycle path (young couple who were ignorant of reality)

    It says dismount

    Did you hear him (a very Radge cyclist berating some dog walkers)

    No need to shout (weird as I was pulled up for shouting when the previous cyclist long gone, the one I was shouting at had behaved like a dick)


    The upper part of my commute these days on the cycle super highway (WoL Path) has similar conflict but more spaced out

    Also horses, a motor car once in the Colinton tunnel, huskies pulling a sled in the dark, motorbikes, a jogger caught short on Xmas morn) etc

    But the conflict is minimal until the aqueduct

    So it isn’t the path itself, it is the multi use of the path.

    What i like to do is humanize my commute,

    This is why I hi5 several people on here and not on here when we pass each other.

    And nod to many cyclists and dog walkers on the paths

    Slow down for dogs whose walkers are on the phone

    Ring my bell then say what side I am passing on

    Not foolproof but works for me most of the time.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  14. jdanielp

    I generally address dogs off their lead directly and thank them for letting me pass, ignoring the owner completely unless they have made an effort to restrain their dog in which case I thank them.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  15. gembo

    Today was three dick dog owners, three yummy Juni mummies spread across the path jogging and two dick cyclists. Then I was driven at by a guy on a wee grass cutting tractor on meadows cycle path. Apart from that cool.

    I do say Good Dog too @jdanielp

    Posted 1 year ago #
  16. gembo

    Although I came out of this Facebook page of gammon, I am still friends with the canal. I was walking over the Boroughmuir bridge last night, nary a ripple in the dark expanse of water and then the lights twinkling all the way down to Leith. It was majestically. I then walked by @Laidback’s shoppe. And was going to thump the windae but Laidback and Mrs Laidback were deep into fettling so I walked on to Bennett’s Bar.

    I had a couple of Dead Rabbits (only Irish Whiskey they had) for Alkie Shane. Then up to the amazing Chip Shop in Bruntsfield for a fabulous Chip Butty then into Churchill Theatre for the AmDram Panto. The best bit was seeing @Dave speeding away at the end sans lid with both monozygotic progeny on the back of the bike.

    What a night.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  17. ejstubbs

    If the amazing chip shop you mean is Saltwater (Globetrotter as was) then in our experience it's not a patch on what it used to be when dad Fernando was still working there, before the makeover. In particular, the fish seems to be disappointingly soggy compared to the crispy batter you used to get.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  18. SRD

    Friends of HP had a lot of people complaining about the new parking restrictions for ages, but most recently a post full of people saying how much better the parking has gotten.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  19. gembo

    @ejstubbs yes that is the place, but the fish looked very crispy.

    @SRD, Friends of HP been de-gammoned?

    Posted 10 months ago #
  20. SRD

    It's always had two, sometimes overlapping tendencies. set up by green councillor, so lots of people who do community gardening, concerned about recycling etc but also just random local folk, dog walkers etc

    while the parking restrictions were being brought in it was full of 'they're towing my car" freaking out. but more recently a calmer tone prevails.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  21. gembo

    But no members of Homeland?

    Posted 10 months ago #
  22. AKen

    Big willow tree down and getting very friendly with the canal this morning between Harrison Park and Yeaman Place.

    Possible to squeeze past on the tow-path but the canal is blocked. Guessing the path may need to be closed at some point to facilitate removal works.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  23. Dave

    If the actual canal is blocked, I'm guessing Scottish canals will be on it in short order. The towpath west of Ratho was blocked by a tree for ages a year or two back

    Posted 4 months ago #
  24. AKen

    It's entirely blocked from bank-to-bank. Water-borne commuters will need to divert and seek advice from Scottish Canals on recommended portage routes.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  25. SRD

    I thought it was a tree next to the willow? Most of the willow still standing?

    The development next door removed most of the trees around it.

    The willow has lost big branches before. Always regrows.

    I have asked them to prune the trees many times. No result.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  26. jdanielp

    This certainly made for an interesting commute this morning!

    Posted 4 months ago #
  27. SRD

    I take it back. It is the west most segment of the big willow. East trunks still standing even though they looked weaker than the one that fell.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  28. SRD

    Tree now totally gone.

    Posted 4 months ago #

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