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PY Friday 27 October 2023

(19 posts)
  • Started 9 months ago by Morningsider
  • Latest reply from gembo

  1. Morningsider

    Last Friday of the month this week. Anyone fancy a coffee?
    Soderberg (aka PY), Middle Meadow Walk, Friday morning from around 8.20.

    Hopefully see some of you there.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  2. mercury1and2

    hoping to go I have to be back at 11am at house so it would be a short visit

    Posted 9 months ago #
  3. urchaidh

    Excellent, I plan to be there.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  4. neddie

    Conflicts with the bike-bus. Sorry

    Posted 9 months ago #
  5. chdot

    “Conflicts with the bike-bus“

    Suspect some of the above (and others) could still be there afterwards.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  6. Morningsider

    @neddie - please come along after. I plan on sticking around a bit, although I may be fairly wired from too much coffee.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  7. Arellcat

    I'm going to have to start a campaign for a NotPY venue that is south of the A720.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  8. chdot

    “NotPY venue that is south of the A720“

    Make a list.

    Plan for spring?

    And/or not a weekday?

    Posted 9 months ago #
  9. neddie

    I'll be happy to come to the south-of-A720 PY, as soon as safe* crossing of said A720 is provided.

    I wonder if I'll see the day? Will my children?

    Getting across the North Esk safely is also problematic.

    *Safe enough for a child to manage

    Posted 9 months ago #
  10. Arellcat

    *Safe enough for a child to manage

    Strictly speaking, there is only one truly safe crossing, and it requires being on route 61.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  11. chdot

    “It requires being on route 61“

    Sort of.

    Best way to get to Roslin (other destinations are available.)

    If you’ve never crossed the Bilston Glen Viaduct it’s well worth being a ‘destination’! Photos on Flickr

    There was a plan to reach your pin from Lang Loan on a new path. That still a thing??

    Posted 9 months ago #
  12. Frenchy

    There was a plan to reach your pin from Lang Loan on a new path. That still a thing??

    Good question. If I remember correctly, it's supposed to be built by developers of the new housing to the north (who may or may not even own the land needed for the new path).

    I will enquire.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  13. Frenchy

    This one is also safe enough for kids to cycle on:

    And this too: all three is in finding a safe route to them from the city centre.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  14. Arellcat

    The shared use path south from Bain Rigg to Gilmerton Station Road is pretty much contiguous, and quite popular. The crossing of GSR isn't signalised however, but is at least physically short.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  15. chdot

    “I will enquire”



    Posted 9 months ago #
  16. chdot

    “This one is also safe enough for kids to cycle on:“

    If you’re adventurous and not in a hurry!

    Posted 9 months ago #
  17. mcairney

    It's just north of the Dixie Line (aka A720) but there's a new cafe near Lowe's Farm opened recently I haven't tried yet:

    Posted 9 months ago #
  18. neddie
    Member all three is in finding a safe route to them from the city centre.

    Yep, Lasswade Rd and Gilmerton Rd are not suitable for kids for the most part. And going via the Innocent / Little France / Edmonstones / Loanhead path is a very long way round.

    And it doesn't solve crossing the N. Esk...

    Posted 9 months ago #
  19. gembo

    I have meeting bang on 9 so would need to leave before I get there. Shame.

    Posted 9 months ago #

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