CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Events, rides etc.

POP 'AGM' this Thursday (9th November)

(2 posts)
  • Started 10 months ago by sallyhinch
  • Latest reply from chdot

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  1. sallyhinch

    As some of you may have seen already online we're having our annual POP meeting in person in Edinburgh (Augustine United Church at 7:30)

    To be honest, this is more in the nature of a recruiting meeting - Chris Russell who was effectively one half of this year's POP team has moved on to greater things and can't be involved in POP any more. If we are to put on a mass participation event in Edinburgh every year we need people in Edinburgh to make it happen. Or maybe, with Critical Mass, Infrasisters and all the other wonderful new initiatives it's time for POP to fold its tent and cede ground to the next generation.

    Either way, we'd love to hear from the actual cyclists of Edinburgh so please do sign up on Eventbrite. We'll have a laptop and Zoom link for those who can't make it in person

    Sorry about the short notice (it reflects in many ways our short-handedness that we've had nobody post this here up to now).

    Posted 10 months ago #
  2. chdot

    “Or maybe, with Critical Mass, Infrasisters and all the other wonderful new initiatives it's time for POP to fold its tent and cede ground to the next generation.“


    Clearly the “other wonderful new initiatives“ are great/valuable etc, but not the same as a large scale annual event.

    Arguably the existence of PoP AND its annual return has made a significant difference to the ‘politics of cycling’ in Scotland.

    The next Scottish Parliament election is due to be held on Thursday 7 May 2026.

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to miss next year and plan for a big ride - and maybe a whole range of feeder rides from the 8 “List” areas -

    Central Scotland.
    Highlands and Islands.
    Mid Scotland and Fife.
    North East Scotland.
    South Scotland.
    West Scotland.

    - a few weeks after the SP first sits with new, and returning, members.


    Sally, whatever happens, be in no doubt that MANY people owe you and the band of volunteers who have worked away over the years a great deal!!!

    Posted 10 months ago #

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