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Spokes Public Meeting - 29 February - EDINBURGH’S ‘FUTURE STREETS’ POLICY, AND T

(15 posts)

  1. Rosie


    Venue: Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL
    Date: Thursday 29 February
    Time: Starts 7.30, Ends 9.30. Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stalls and chat, including a special stall to join Spokes or renew your membership


    Cllr Scott Arthur City Council Transport Convener – the Future Streets policy, with particular reference to the place of cycling, and when/how action will follow

    Laura Laker Cycling, transport and environment journalist – to critique the proposals. Laura researches and writes on cycling issues extensively, including in national/international media such as The Guardian and Bloomberg; and in specifically cycling publications such as Cycling Industry News and Road.CC

    … followed by our always-anticipated one-hour panel QA, chaired by Ewen Maclean, organiser of Blackford Safe Routes – your chance to interrogate and challenge the speakers

    Questions: Questions for the speaker, can be emailed (at least a day in advance) to However, questions in person from audience members are likely to have greatest priority on the night

    Online: We hope to live broadcast on our youtube channel – confirmation nearer the time – and make the recording available a few days later

    On February 1st the Transport Committee approved the ‘Future Streets’ policy, which incorporates the Circulation Plan (deciding which transport modes will have priority on which roads), the Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP), and the City Centre Transformation (to free the City Centre from through motor traffic). Although much detail is still to come, and there will be future consultation on some aspects, transformative basic decisions have now been taken and action can and must begin.

    As a city centre token of action-intent, motor traffic will be wholly or largely banned in the Cowgate in 2024.

    For main roads, detailed plans will be drawn up for bus and cycle priority on the A8 from CCWEL at Roseburn through to Gogar, with St John’s Road due to become a pedestrian-friendly shopping street. We had suggested this route as a priority in our comments [para 3.3] on the 2023 ATAP consultation, and a Council analysis in the report confirms that it is indeed a priority.

    However, for a city with a target to cut car-km 30% by 2030, and become net zero by 2030, things need to move far faster than one or two individual schemes each year. The decade-long gestation of CCWEL or of George Street (see ‘maxi-consultation’ section here), must no longer be the pattern.

    Our public meeting on Thursday 29 Feb gives you the chance to hear more and to tell the Council what you think.

    Masses of more information on our website.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  2. chdot

    Some of Laura Laker’s previous events

    Posted 5 months ago #
  3. chdot

    In a country where 71% of trips are less than five miles, two thirds of Britons say they want to cycle more and doing so could help our climate, health and wellbeing. Laura is on a mission to see if we can make that dream a reality.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  4. chdot

    Plans to turn Lothian Road into a "boulevard" will have to be rethought because of the decision to close the Bridges corridor to through traffic. With The Mound also closed, Lothian Road is the only major north-south through route in the city centre. The Bridges closure is expected to leave 400-500 vehicles per hour looking for an alternative north-south road. The blueprint acknowledges more street space will be needed for buses and general traffic on Lothian Road as a result. But it says: "Nevertheless, the Lothian Road project can still bring forward substantial improvements in conditions for walking/wheeling and cycling, protection of buses from delays, and for example a much better connection between Festival Square and the Usher Hall/Theatre Quarter." Delays of up to eight minutes are expected for buses due to the increased traffic.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  5. neddie

    I said previously that the media would take the extra traffic “predicted” by the models on Lothian Rd and take it out of context and use it say we can’t have nice things.

    Those models based on the flawed assumption that traffic levels are fixed and there is no traffic evaporation or induced-demand. Yes, those models, that belong in the 1980s-museum-of-crap-urbanism.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  6. neddie

    Could someone archive the other 4 pages of EEN splaff, so we can at least know our enemy?

    Posted 5 months ago #
  7. SRD

    plug the url into this website and you should get ungated EEN.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  8. chdot

  9. Dave

    I was in the pub having a meeting with active travel folks when by chance we realised it was the same evening that Cllr Arthur was addressing Spokes. Nobody seemed to have any regrets about missing him or much inclination to watch it back. There was some discussion of Cllr McKenzie's budget speech though.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  10. neddie

    Laura Laker and (I hate to say it) Cllr Arthur spoke very positively about the Future Streets / circulation plan.

    Sadly though, Arthur later starting rambling about "traffic displacement" on Lothian Rd - predicted by the out-dated 1980s traffic models that only consider cars and not people movement...

    Just design the street for the traffic you want goddamn it!

    Posted 4 months ago #
  11. Dave

    Scott's an expert at threading the needle of saying things that people find agreeable enough, while not actually doing anything that will significantly upset the motoring public

    Posted 4 months ago #
  12. chdot

  13. Dave

    It's hard to escape the feeling that by platforming Arthur and the like, Spokes are effectively sort of green washing decisions like the destruction of the quiet routes. I know it's probably unfair and in the long run the value of staying neutral might be worth having more than standing on principle which nobody notices

    Posted 4 months ago #
  14. Tulyar

    Who was the reporter from local community newspaper speaking to LL after meeting?

    Posted 4 months ago #
  15. Frenchy

    I believe that was Sarah McArthur for the Edinburgh Inquirer.

    Article here:

    Posted 4 months ago #

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