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Women's Cycling -- Towpath Cafe Talk #2, Fri, 23rd of Feb 2024

(5 posts)
  • Started 5 months ago by bill
  • Latest reply from fimm
  • This topic is sticky

  1. bill

    Towpath Cafe Talk #2, on Friday, 23rd of Feb, 18:30-21:30.

    Join me for the second of the series Talk at the Towpath Cafe at Biketrax.

    With my guests, Naomi Freireich, Ruby Boyce, and Adna Dumitrescu we'll be delving into their distinctive experiences within the cycling world—navigating the challenges of 24-hour MTB racing, venturing into ultra-endurance riding and bike packing. The cyclists have an array of incredible stories to unfold, and the added intrigue comes from their role in establishing a Women led Cycling community. Tune in to discover the camaraderie, obstacles, and triumphs woven into their cycling journeys. It's undoubtedly an evening worth tuning in for!

    P.S.1. Canapes included in the ticket price, mocktails and drinks available from the bar on the night.

    P.S.2 The bikes can be stored inside the shop during the event.

    Tickets available here

    Posted 5 months ago #
  2. gembo

    I was at the first event. It was corking.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  3. fimm

    I'm really annoyed that I can't make this one but unfortunately we have something else on.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  4. bill

    @fimm we recorded the last talk and now both parts are available to listen to:
    Towpath Talk Podcast

    Posted 4 months ago #
  5. fimm

    Thank you

    Posted 4 months ago #

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