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Sun trip 2024

(4 posts)

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  1. jss

    The 7,500 km solar bike race getting quite exciting now in the final couple of days.
    Brit Jack Butler just in lead with off the shelf Azub recumbent and a 90 euro solo panel.
    Close behind is Frenchman Jean Marc in velomobile with state of the art no expense spared solar panels. Jack has opted to go straight over the top of any mountains ,while Jean Marc is opting for flatter but longer routes .Worth a watch on sun trip site or Jack’s YouTube channel

    Posted 5 months ago #
  2. jss

    If anyone is interested,Gallic pride was somewhat dented yesterday as Jack Butler won after 24 days in the saddle, which ,fortunately for him ,was a comfortable recumbent seat.Jean Marc in his bells and whistles velomobile came second about 5 hours later.
    Amazing achievement by both and by all who complete the 7,500 km race

    Posted 5 months ago #
  3. Dave

    Amazing! Thanks for the updates

    Posted 5 months ago #
  4. LaidBack

    Here's Jack on his Azub Six. Czech made design we've sold a couple of - without solar kit of course!. Like a more upright Fuego.
    In this interview he's only got 40km to go with 7000+ behind him.
    Well done to him and pleased too for the team at Azub. All their aluminium frames are made in Europe and beautifully packed and finished.

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    Posted 5 months ago #

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