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Road deaths and injuries 2023

(4 posts)
  • Started 4 months ago by Morningsider
  • Latest reply from Morningsider

  1. Morningsider

    Holy ####. Transport Scotland has just published the 2023 statistics for road injuries and deaths.

    Pedestrian fatalities increased from 13 in 2022 to 47 in 2023. Cyclist fatalities increased from 2 to 7.

    FORTY SEVEN PEDESTRIAN DEATHS! A 360% increase. I know annual statistics are subject to fluctuation, but this is off the charts. I note that Transport Scotland's press release accompanying the publication doesn't even mention this statistic.

    Also - our politicians have spent the day bleating about the safety of the A9 and A720, without a mention of pedestrian deaths or any action to prevent them. Sickening.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  2. Frenchy

    "Pedestrian fatalities increased from 13 in 2022 to 47 in 2023."

    The report actually says that pedestrian fatalities increased by 13 (from 34 in 2022 to 47 in 2023).

    This is still terrible, of course.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  3. neddie

  4. Morningsider

    @Frenchy - thanks. I misread that statistic. Slightly odd framing by Transport Scotland, as only pedestrian fatalities are presented in that way. The other modes of transport are reported as the annual totals, rather than the change between the two years.

    Posted 4 months ago #

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