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Transport and Environment Committee - Thursday, 20th June, 2024 10.00 am

(8 posts)

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  1. chdot

  2. neddie

    I note under "Roseburn to Union Canal" in the Business Bulletin, they're suggesting that less confident cyclists avoid a difficult right turn by adding an extra 100 metres to their journey along unprotected cycle lanes, to illegally use a pedestrian crossing, then cross a high-speed flared exit from Kwik Fit.

    But it's OK, because there will be signage!!!

    FFS, you couldn't make it up. Perhaps the officer in question should be made to cycle it several times a day, in rush hour, with his children and wearing only his underpants?

    Posted 2 months ago #
  3. pringlis

    An update on the "Emergency" Motion from April 2023 to put in a temporary school street program at Canaan Lane after it reopened from a three year closure looks to have slipped from June to August. This takes it until after the southern Greenbank to Meadows Quiet Route filters are removed,, which will reopen that rat run which goes past multiple schools. Frustrating.

    No update on the Greenbank Meadows Quiet Route itself though which I'm a little surprised by. No July meeting but last I heard they'd expected to remove the filters before schools go back in August. Planning to do it without running final plans past committee maybe...

    Posted 2 months ago #
  4. chdot

    #Edinwebcast Transpt Cttee today 20.6.24



    Smaller agenda than usual, but includes..

    - @cargobikemovmnt needing support
    - #ElmRow redesign
    - #HGV dangers, following tragic death of #ThomasWong

    Posted 2 months ago #
  5. chdot

  6. neddie

    Controversial cycle lanes near the top of Leith Walk are to be moved so people no longer have to cross them to reach a busy bus stop.

    The current layout at Elm Row, implemented as part of the Trams to Newhaven project, has a much-reduced pedestrian area around the bus stop and means people stepping off a bus are confronted immediately by the two cycle lanes.

    "Controversial car parking near the top of Leith Walk is to be moved so people no longer have to cross heavy machinery to reach the shops.

    The current layout at Elm Row, implemented as part of the Trams to Newhaven project, has a much-reduced pedestrian area around the shops and means people contributing to the local economy are confronted immediately by the sea of metal."

    FTFY... Now there's your real problem

    Posted 2 months ago #
  7. neddie

    They're planning to reduce the number of parking spaces on Elm Row from 16 to 8

    Posted 2 months ago #
  8. SRD

    Agree the car parking is rubbish but so was the cycle lane placement. Really unpleasant to try and get on or off a bus there and can only imagine it’s not great on a bike either.

    Posted 2 months ago #

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