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New challenges…

(4 posts)
  • Started 2 months ago by SRD
  • Latest reply from dessert rat
  • This topic is not resolved

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  1. SRD

    We’ve aged through childseats, brakes for small hands, and other challenges…

    Soooo…. What locks do we send them off to uni with?

    Mini-SRD has a small hip lock but we’re thinking something more flexible needed but also something pretty strong ? Silver rather than gold probably?

    Posted 2 months ago #
  2. chdot

    Bigger Q is ‘what sort of bike will they be happy leaving around?’

    Lock plus

    Posted 2 months ago #
  3. wingpig

    I came up here with the same Citadel-U-lock-plus-cable-padlock-in-saddlebag that I used in rural Lincolnshire (and still use in newer/sturdier forms today), but I was bringing up my only bike; I would use my dad's rubbish bike when visiting home. Nowadays, I'd maybe look for something usable-and-nice-to-ride-(and-fully-dynamo-and-mudguard-equipped-(rather-than-having-to-lug-detachable-lights-around-when-locked-up))-but-not-of-too-much-sentimental-value to go away with.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  4. dessert rat

    think I'd be going with:

    1. Kryptonite combination u-lock (i recently got one, big fan of less keys).
    2. One of those rear wheel ring lock things all the Europeans have, with the plug in chain. I have one, its superb.
    3. lockable front QR, I've never had, but assume available.

    also depending on where overnight storage is, a motorbike chain that lives there.

    Posted 2 months ago #

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