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now I know what my helmet is for!

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  1. 531

    I've never managed to get my helmet to interact with a road surface or car, and sometimes I confess I lose track of why I wear it, other than for decorative effect.

    Yesterday evening, I found out exactly what it is for. As I was cycling down the innocent path through niddrie looking forward to a lovely twilight ride, I came upon a couple of local youths who managed to launch a golf ball sized rock at my head which struck me with a massive thwack right in the front centre area of my helmet. I was impressed that they scored a direct hit and even more impressed that my helmet successfully prevented any serious damage to my skull.

    It could have been very serious if it was even a bit lower, at least leading to some bloodshed and potentially to a scar or broken tooth.

    Needless to say I took the road on the way back.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  2. gembo

    Hope you are ok. Reports from the wilds of. Balerno that Polis have lifted one of the motorbike marauders. The RUTS scheme is a good diversion for some of the disenfranchised youth,

    Have clipped my helmet off branches, garage doors, been attacked by bats and once would have had a big lump when I nutted the kerb in icy weather.

    On the other hand, just spent a week in Cambridge cycling around with just my natty new Audax Ecosse bunnet.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  3. MediumDave

    A nasty incident. Glad you are OK.

    Clearly ballistic helmet > bike helmet for the Niddrie bandit country!

    The rails are perhaps handy for mounting a camera and you can write "Born to Ride" or something on the cover...

    Posted 1 month ago #

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