Dear Cllr,
I support/ride with Edinburgh Critical Mass and join them in calling for Transport and Environment Committee (TEC) councillors to dial down the rhetoric, support the facts and make Edinburgh safer.
The evidence on bus gates, modal filters and low-traffic neighbourhoods is that they reduce the risk of death and injury by 50%. These measures are also proven to reduce traffic volumes and miles travelled by car, a key priority for Edinburgh Council to achieve by 2030. Indeed the council’s own Our Future Streets and City Mobility plans include these road safety measures into their designs. So why are Transport and Environment Committee councillors not supporting the facts and delaying progress on safe streets?
This is not a bike versus cars debate. This is about designing Edinburgh’s roads in the best interests of the city’s residents. Re-balancing Edinburgh’s transport system towards safer streets offers immense benefits and opportunities for a healthier, fairer, greener and safer city. Prioritising the flow of cars and enabling increasing traffic volumes and vehicle size can claim none of these benefits. Instead, by focusing on traffic flow, we are seeing a more polluted, noisy, unwelcoming and dangerous city for residents that is unfit for the 21st century.
Moreover, common complaints used against bus gates and traffic filters are that it marginally increases the length of car journeys. However, these arguments do not consider that pedestrians and cyclists regularly take a longer route, in order to be safer and avoid exhaust fumes. Why is this acceptable for pedestrians and cyclists, but framed as a valid concern for car drivers by TEC councillors?
I/We have also seen rhetoric that bus gates and traffic filters are controversial, but saving lives is not controversial and these changes in road design save lives. Rather than repeat the sensational wording in the media, I/we ask that councillors show strong leadership and refrain from using divisive language to delay progress.
The recent tragedy in the Cowgate should serve to remind councillors of the consequences to delaying necessary road safety measures. Campaigners have been calling for improvements to the Cowgate for many years, out of fears for people’s safety. Those fears were realized on 2nd November, in one of the most horrific traffic collisions. Let there be no more families left grieving a loved one.
I/we would like to see cross party support for the safety of Edinburgh’s residents, regardless of whether they walk, cycle, take the bus or drive. Therefore I/we are asking for your support and the support of your colleagues on the Transport and Environment Committee to support the implementation of bus gates and traffic filters across Edinburgh.
Yours sincerely,