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The Clubbiedean Big Puddle

(47 posts)
  • Started 3 months ago by MediumDave
  • Latest reply from gembo

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  1. gembo

    Quite a nifty late 1890s bike. He actually dies before Wilde. Possibly from Syphillis and had possibly blackmailed Roseberry when PM to prosecute Wilde. As. Roseberry may have been bisexual and involved with Francis Douglas. [who died by accidental discharge of his gun]/ This left the third son Perry to continue the line. The current Marquess is 95 and called David. Douglas but he has some children with great names - Tybalt, Cordelia etc. Hard to follow Daivd’s various overlapping wives and children. No mention of. Any cyclisrs.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  2. Arellcat

    Looking at @urchaidh's photo, is the puddle not ride throughable? Has anyone measured its depth?

    Posted 1 month ago #
  3. gembo

    @arellcat, I have known some brave souls to ride through, sometimes with success but other times it has become messier.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  4. urchaidh

    Rode through it yesterday, other side from the stones, was fine. Had had a bit of an incident with some mud in, of all places, a path in a housing estate somewhere in Balerno so was being a bit cagey.

    Maybe if we all start suggesting it...

    Posted 1 month ago #
  5. urchaidh

    Level was a bit lower today. Went right through the middle, bit slippy on the way out.

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  6. gembo

    Maybe if Google wont allow it as a tourist destination we could go for a World Heritage Plaque? Not long now and the cafe attached to the puddle will be reopening for the season

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  7. Greenroofer

    This afternoon the Pentlands were glorious* as I tootled round the reservoirs on my habitual route. The Big Puddle was a bit pathetic: the stepping stones were dry and it was a bit sorry for itself.

    *Really gorgeous. Threipmuir Reservoir was still and quiet, with only the gentle sounds of people quietly enjoying themselves. It was one of those days that really reminded me of how lucky we are to have sights and places like that on our doorstep.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  8. gembo

    I was down Canonmills and returned through Dean Village - mobbed [inncluding PG Tips himself]but then onto the CCWEL ROseburn and round Murrayfield Stenhouse, Canal Heriot Watt then new tarmac of Long Dalmahoy until Gowanhill Farm. Crossed the railway and despite being quite heavily ladened I made it up the Steep Hill to Old Newmills. No big puddle but agree was Glorious and mainly off road or very quiet roads.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  9. gembo

    El Charco Grande was quite poco today. Passable on right easily and on stepping stone side and indeed if not bothered about spray - right through the middle

    Also saw a roe deer beyond Clubbiedeans, an anglers driving their car at me very slowly so I could squeeze round and a gang of Alpaca I had t cycle through.

    Posted 1 week ago #
  10. ejstubbs

    It has been noticeably dry recently. The water level in my pond was getting a bit low earlier this week, and when I went to the water butts behind the sheds to top it up I found them both only half full :(

    If it stays fine today I might ride out to take a look at the diminished puddle. It's a long while since I've been up that particular way so any excuse for a change from the routes I've been riding these part few weeks* is welcome.

    * Being a wuss and sticking to roads and firm paths in an attempt to avoid getting me and the bike too filthy in the winter muck. I'm afraid that hosing the bike down in the freezing cold isn't my idea of a fun way to end a ride.

    Posted 1 week ago #
  11. gembo

    Good shout Stubbsie, the NE wind would blow you up the hill and then going downhill it would help you braking. No mud east of the puddle.

    Posted 1 week ago #
  12. jdanielp

    Perhaps we could try to have the puddle recognised as a national climate marker like the snow in the Cairngorms that used to persist throughout the year?

    Posted 1 week ago #
  13. urchaidh

    Saturday afternoon, looking a bit diminished.

    (Apologies for the tardy posting)

    Posted 1 week ago #
  14. gembo

    Two skinny puddles at the moment.

    Posted 2 days ago #
  15. Greenroofer

    I feel surprisingly despondent on hearing this update. Soon it will be gone.

    Posted 2 days ago #
  16. gembo

    @greenroofer, cheer up it is raining tomorrow

    Posted 2 days ago #
  17. gembo

    The two ribbon lakes are joined again

    The big puddle lives

    Slightly depleted

    Posted 16 hours ago #

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