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Route from Musselburgh to shops at Captain’s Road eg Tesco

(7 posts)

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  1. gembo

    Asking for a colleague

    I have no route for her except up Esk to Whitecraig then Dalkeiith Path then into Gilmerton from Dalkeith

    Obviously that route is sub optimal

    Posted 1 month ago #
  2. Morningsider

    Wow - there is no good option here. I suppose you could go along the Brunstane Burn path, over the railway at Brunstane station and along the NCN1/Innocent to Duddingston and then on-road from there. At least some of it is off road. Pretty nasty roads though.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  3. Frenchy

    I'd take the fairly direct route of Eskview Terrace, Old Craighall, Millerhill, Shawfair Avenue and then onto the Shawfair-Roslin path. Also not ideal, but my experience is that the back road is pretty quiet.

    Options from there are either:

    1. Drum St, Newtoft St and Gilmerton Dykes Street
    2. Lasswade Road

    Option 1 is flatter but narrower and busier. Lasswade Road is 40mph there, but there's a shared use pavement on the uphill bit.

    I'd suggest avoiding the Wisp and Newcraighall unless your colleague is pretty confident/risk unaverse. Via Dalkeith probably the most pleasant option, but is significantly longer.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  4. gembo

    Yes no good option. THe colleague is not un confident but not looking for an unpleasant commute Which I fear this is.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  5. DuddingstonDomestique

    As has been mentioned the Brunstane Burn is an option. If lugging a bike up and over the railway station is undesired, you can continue north on Brunstane Road and take the underpass at Milton Link/Milton Road. It will drop you at Milton Road though which is rather busy but does have bus lanes; most of the motor traffic does tend to stay out of the bus lane. Further west on Milton Road you can pick up Quiet Route 61. Using a mixture of residential streets, cut throughs and the Innocent Path, this will take you through Magadalene, Niddrie, Infirmary and onto Gilmerton. Not the most direct.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  6. fimm

    I think I'd go with Frenchy's option; but if going via Brunstane, to avoid the steps at the station I just go round the end of the shops - I guess it is really pavement there but it is doable.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  7. Arellcat

    I too would go with Frenchy's route, and I would probably take Lasswade Road's shared footway up the hill and then plummet down the other side to the crossroads, mainly because the tarmac on Gilmerton Dykes St isn't great.

    For the return run, Lasswade is too much of a long climb, so I'd take Gilmerton Dykes St, then Drum St and again pick up the railway path to Shawfair and thence Old Craighall Road.

    Posted 1 month ago #

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