I don't really spend all day on ebay (I have an App for that).
Sometimes I see see something I 'must' 'collect'.
Though the fact that it cost about 27 times the original cover price makes you think - about inflation.
Not a publication I've come across before - "The Racing Cyclist (AND Cyclo-Cross)" formerly "The Leagurer"
Worth it for the adverts.
"Everybody's after Viking! First Choice for First Place"
"Cyclo Benelux - Pioneers in Derailleur Gears Over 30 years' experience"
"Unrivalled quality for price and a new conception in cycle braking come with this new brake. The ' hidden asset ' lever houses a short pivoting mechanism - and so much power is applied to the stirrups by the ' Arret ' lever that a new technique of braking application will be developed.
G.B. equipment was used by every official international team in 1956"
"If it's nothing less than the best fit Beau Garde by Bantel These fine new celluloid mudguards will give added distinction to your cycle.
Nine colour range"
(doesn't mention yellow...)
"They build durability at Fort Dunlop with Science Accuracy and Experience"